首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Photoinhibition and changes in pigments associated with bract browning in waratahs (Telopea spp., Proteaceae)

Photoinhibition and changes in pigments associated with bract browning in waratahs (Telopea spp., Proteaceae)

机译:与疣状Te褐变有关的光抑制和色素变化(Telopea spp。,Proteaceae)

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The relationship between chronic or long-term photoinbibition, pigment changes, and bract browning in 'Fire and Brimstone', 'Olympic Flame' and 'Wirrimbirra White' waratahs [Telopea speciosissima (Smith) R.Br.] was investigated. Plants were grown under full sun, or under 50% shade-cloth over 2 years, with photoinhibition and pigment changes measured in the bracts and leaves at three stages of floral development (tight bud, juvenile open bud, and mature flower). Photoinhibition of waratah bracts was reduced by shading when applied either from flower initiation in late Summer, or from bud expansion in late Winter, until flower maturity in Spring. Outer bracts showed photoinhibition from the tight bud stage of flower development, and inner bracts from the juvenile open stage, while leaves were not affected. Photoinhibition, measured as pre-dawn photochemical efficiency (PE; Fv/Fm), declined in proportion to bract browning. Bracts on waratah plants kept under shade maintained higher chlorophyll, carotenoid, and anthocyanin levels than bracts exposed to full sun, and thus had a more intense flower colour. A significant decrease in bract pigmentation, combined with photoinhibition, indicates that photodamage occurs in bracts exposed to full sun. Leaf browning did not occur, and waratah leaves maintained a higher chlorophyll concentration than bracts in both full sun and shade conditions. Protection from photoinhibition was correlated with the level of UV-absorbing pigments.
机译:研究了“火和硫磺”,“奥林匹克圣火”和“ Wirrimbirra White” waratahs [Telopea speciosissima(Smith)R.Br.]中长期或长期光吸收,色素变化和,片褐变之间的关系。在2年中,植物在阳光充足或50%遮光布下生长,在花发育的三个阶段(紧芽,幼嫩开放芽和成熟花)中,在br片和叶片中测量光抑制和色素变化。从夏末的花开始或冬末的花蕾扩张直到春天的花成熟,通过遮荫降低了对waratah act片的光抑制作用。外片在花朵发育的紧芽期表现出光抑制作用,而幼叶期则表现出光抑制作用,而叶片未受影响。以黎明前的光化学效率(PE; Fv / Fm)衡量的光抑制与to片褐变成比例下降。与暴露在阳光下的片相比,置于阴凉处的waratah植物的叶保持较高的叶绿素,类胡萝卜素和花色苷水平,因此花色更浓。 act片色素沉着的显着减少,加上光抑制作用,表明暴露于充分阳光下的片发生光损伤。在全日照和阴凉条件下,未发生叶片褐变,并且waratah叶片保持的叶绿素浓度高于片。防止光抑制作用与吸收紫外线的颜料含量有关。



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