首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing >Apricot susceptibility to blossom brown rot (Monilinia spp.) and leaf rust (Tranzschelia spp.) under low-input production system

Apricot susceptibility to blossom brown rot (Monilinia spp.) and leaf rust (Tranzschelia spp.) under low-input production system

机译:在低输入生产系统下,杏褐色腐烂(Monilinia SPP)和叶锈(Tranzschelia SPP)的杏敏感性



Disease-susceptibility of apricot cultivars is a key-stone towards low-input production systems. Among the main diseases, the susceptibility to Monilinia spp. and leaf rust of apricot cultivars are economically important but rarely assessed. A 5-yearsstudy in two sites was conducted to assess the susceptibilities to Monilinia spp. and leaf rust of 16 apricot cultivars under natural conditions (no inoculation). No fungicide and insecticide were applied during the experiment. In Torreilles site, no significant Monilinia spp. was observed. In Gotheron site, the percentage of shoots necrosed by Monilinia spp. ranged from 13% to 100% during 2010-2011. A Genotype x Environment interaction was observed for Monilinia spp. damages. Concurrently a high variability to leaf rust was observed in both sites. The ranking of cultivars susceptibility to leaf rust was similar between both sites.
机译:杏品种的疾病易感性是低投入生产系统的关键石头。在主要疾病中,对monilinia spp的易感性。杏品种的叶子锈病是经济上重要的,但很少被评估。进行了两个站点的5年级,以评估对Monilinia SPP的敏感性。在自然条件下16杏色品种的叶子生锈(无接种)。在实验期间没有施用杀菌剂和杀虫剂。在托瑞尔斯遗址,没有明显的monilinia spp。被观测到。在Gotheron遗址中,Monilinia SPP坏死的芽百分比。在2010-2011期间,从13%到100%。对于Monilinia SPP,观察到基因型X环境相互作用。赔偿。在两个地点观察到同时对叶片生锈的高度变化。两个地点之间的叶片生锈的易感性的排名相似。



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