首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Photoperiod-sensitive male-sterile mutant in tomato and its potential use in hybrid seed production

Photoperiod-sensitive male-sterile mutant in tomato and its potential use in hybrid seed production


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The current practice of manual emasculation of tomato flowers for hybrid seed production is labour-intensive and contributes significantly to the high cost of seed. Here we report on a photoperiod-sensitive, single gene male-sterile mutant (7B-1) in tomato which is 100% male sterile in long days (LD, minimum of 12 h daylength) in summer field conditions, but produces many male-fertile flowers in short days (SD, 8 h). In LD, 7B-1 flowers contain stamens that are pale, short and in the anthers microspore mother cells are differentiated but meiosis does not occur, i.e. microspores and pollen grains are not formed. Unlike the wild type flowers, the style and stigma of 7B-1 flowers are well exposed and this allows for ready access for pollination without emasculation. In SD, mutant flowers possess normal-looking orange-yellow anthers that enclose the stigma and produce normal viable pollen, which when used for pollination of 7B-1 flowers yield good fruit- and seed-set. The 7B-1 seed in turn generate a 100% population of male-sterile plants all of which can be used as female parents for hybrid seed production. The female fertility is not affected in 7B-1 flowers in both LD and SD conditions. The 7B-1 mutant has been grown in various field locations including, Saskatoon, California, Florida and in Chile, and at all locations it has shown stable male sterility. The 7B-1 mutant is a simple, natural and cost-effective system that has a strong potential for use in commercial-scale production of tomato hybrid seed.
机译:用于混合种子生产的手动去花番茄花的当前做法是劳动密集型的,并且极大地导致了种子的高成本。在这里,我们报道了一个对番茄有光周期敏感性的单基因雄性不育突变体(7B-1),该突变体在夏季田间条件下长日(LD,最少12 h昼长)中100%雄性不育,但会产生许多雄性-短日(SD,8小时)可育花。在LD中,7B-1花的雄蕊浅,短并且在花药中分化出微孢子母细胞,但不发生减数分裂,即不形成小孢子和花粉粒。与野生型花朵不同,7B-1花朵的花柱和柱头都很好地暴露在外,这使得可以随时进行授粉而无需去雄。在SD中,突变花具有看起来正常的橙黄色花药,其包围柱头并产生正常的花粉,当用于7B-1花的授粉时产生良好的结实和结实的花粉。 7B-1种子又会产生100%的雄性不育植物,所有这些植物都可以用作雌性亲本,以生产杂交种子。在LD和SD条件下,7B-1花的雌性生育力均不受影响。 7B-1突变体已在萨斯卡通,加利福尼亚,佛罗里达和智利的多个田间地点生长,并且在所有地点均显示出稳定的雄性不育。 7B-1突变体是一种简单,天然且具有成本效益的系统,具有用于商业化生产番茄杂交种子的强大潜力。



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