首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Laminar distribution of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons in human prefrontal cortex during development.

Laminar distribution of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons in human prefrontal cortex during development.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is present in neurons of the adult human cerebral cortex. In view of the reported roles of NPY in the central nervous system in health and during certain disease conditions, we have studied normal development of NPY immunoreactivity (-ir) in the human prefrontal cortex (PFC), Brodmann areas 9 and 46. Twenty-six specimens ranging from the ages of 14 postovulatory weeks to 34 years exhibited patterns that revealed six periods in the development of the laminar distribution and density of NPY-ir neurons. Changes during prenatal and perinatal periods reflect the onset, development, and resolution of the transient fetal telencephalic compartments, including the subplate zone, in which NPY-ir neurons are especially abundant. Before the age of 1 year, the majority of NPY-ir neurons were found in the subplate zone, whereas, after 1 year, the majority were seen in the cortical layers. This is in contrast with the human visual cortex, where the majority of NPY-ir neurons were still located inthe white matter. The density of cortical NPY-ir neurons increased in the fifth developmental period (ages 4-7 years), coinciding with the increase of cortical volume and marked progression of cognitive functions. The adult pattern of a relatively low density of cortical NPY-ir neurons was reached in period 6 (from about 8 years), when individual variation also became apparent. Our data point to a protracted maturation of NPY-ir in the human PFC and to different distribution patterns of NPY-ir neurons in different cortical areas.



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