首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Ecology >Plant beta -diversity in fragmented rain forests: testing floristic homogenization and differentiation hypotheses.

Plant beta -diversity in fragmented rain forests: testing floristic homogenization and differentiation hypotheses.


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Land-use change is the main driver of global biodiversity loss, but its relative impact on species turnover ( beta -diversity) across multiple spatial scales remains unclear. Plant communities in fragmented rain forests can undergo declines (floristic homogenization) or increases (floristic differentiation) in beta -diversity. We tested these alternative hypotheses analysing a large vegetation data base from a hierarchically nested sampling design (450 plots in 45 forest patches in 3 landscapes with different deforestation levels) at Los Tuxtlas rain forest, Mexico. Differences in beta -diversity across spatial scales (i.e. among plots, among patches, and among landscapes) were analysed using multiplicative diversity decompositions of Hill numbers. Plant beta -diversity among plots within forest patches decreased in landscapes with higher deforestation levels, leading to floristic homogenization within patches. This homogenization process can be explained by the loss of rare and shade-tolerant plant species, and the recruitment and dominance of disturbance-adapted species, and can limit the accumulation of species ( gamma -diversity) in landscapes with higher deforestation. Nevertheless, the landscape with the highest deforestation level showed the highest floristic differentiation among patches. This landscape showed the greatest isolation distances between patches; a landscape spatial pattern that can limit the interchange of seeds (and species) between patches. Because the study patches are undergoing secondary succession following disturbances (e.g. logging, edge effects), different disturbance regimes and increased distance among patches could lead to higher beta -diversity. Synthesis. These findings indicate that patterns of floristic homogenization and differentiation depend on the landscape configuration and on the spatial scale of analysis. At the landscape scale, our results suggest that, in accordance with non-equilibrium dynamics and the landscape-divergence hypothesis, patches located in landscapes with different forest cover and different connectivity can experience contrasting successional pathways due to increasing levels of compositional differentiation between patches. These novel findings add further uncertainties to the maintenance of biodiversity in severely deforested tropical landscapes and have key ecological implications for biodiversity conservation planning.
机译:土地利用变化是全球生物多样性丧失的主要驱动力,但其在多个空间尺度上对物种周转率(β-多样性)的相对影响尚不清楚。零散的雨林中的植物群落可能经历β多样性下降(植物同质化)或增加(植物分化)。我们在墨西哥Los Tuxtlas雨林中,通过分层嵌套的抽样设计(在3种具有不同森林砍伐水平的景观中的45个森林斑块中的450个地块)分析了大型植被数据库的这些备选假设。使用希尔数的乘法多样性分解分析了跨空间尺度(即地块之间,斑块之间和景观之间)的β多样性差异。在森林砍伐水平较高的景观中,森林斑块内各地块之间的植物β多样性降低,从而导致斑块内的植物区系均一化。这种同质化过程可以解释为稀有和耐荫的植物物种的流失,以及适应干扰物种的募集和优势,并且可以限制森林砍伐程度较高的景观中物种的积累(伽玛多样性)。然而,森林砍伐水平最高的景观在斑块中的植物区系分化最高。此景观显示补丁之间的最大隔离距离;一种景观空间格局,可以限制斑块之间种子(和物种)的互换。由于研究斑块在受到干扰(例如测井,边缘效应)之后经历了二次演替,因此不同的干扰方式和斑块之间的距离增加可能导致更高的β多样性。合成。这些发现表明,植物区系同化和分化的模式取决于景观配置和分析的空间规模。在景观尺度上,我们的结果表明,根据非平衡动力学和景观差异假设,由于斑块之间的成分分化程度不断提高,位于具有不同森林覆盖率和不同连通性的景观中的斑块可能会经历相反的演替路径。这些新颖的发现为森林砍伐严重的热带景观中生物多样性的维持增加了更多的不确定性,并且对生物多样性保护规划具有关键的生态意义。



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