首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of arthroplasty >Three-dimensional tibiofemoral kinematics during deep flexion kneeling in a mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty.

Three-dimensional tibiofemoral kinematics during deep flexion kneeling in a mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty.


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Achieving very deep flexion after total knee arthroplasty is an important goal of most patients in Japan, Asia, and the Middle East because of floor-sitting lifestyles. Numerous knee arthroplasty designs have been introduced to permit high flexion. We performed an in vivo radiographic analysis of tibiofemoral motions during weight-bearing kneeling in one high-flexion knee arthroplasty design. Twenty knees implanted with a posterior-stabilized rotating-platform knee arthroplasty flexed an average of 126 degrees. The femoral condyles translated posteriorly from extension to maximum flexion. Total posterior condylar translations averaged 11.6 and 4.7 mm for the lateral and medial condyles, respectively. Tibial internal rotation in 19 knees averaged 9 degrees from extension to maximum flexion. Knees implanted with a posterior-stabilized, rotating-platform knee arthroplasty show deep flexion knee kinematics consistent with the implant design intent.
机译:在日本,亚洲和中东,由于坐地板的生活方式,全膝关节置换术后获得非常深的屈曲是一个重要目标。已经引入了许多膝关节置换术设计以允许高屈曲性。在一项高屈曲膝关节置换术设计中,我们对负重跪下时的胫股运动进行了体内放射照相分析。二十个植入了后稳定旋转平台膝关节置换术的膝盖平均弯曲126度。股骨dy从伸展到最大屈曲向后平移。外侧和内侧con的后con总平移分别平均为11.6和4.7 mm。从伸展到最大屈曲,19个膝盖的胫骨内部旋转平均为9度。植入有后路稳定的旋转平台膝关节置换术的膝盖显示出与植入物设计意图一致的深度屈曲运动学。



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