首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of dermatology >Clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of systemic corticosteroids for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A retrospective study

Clinical profiles and treatment outcomes of systemic corticosteroids for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A retrospective study


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Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is an uncommon severe cutaneous adverse reaction. Although controversies remain in the pathophysiology and management of this condition, improvements in survival and morbidity have been observed over the past decade. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the clinical profiles of TEN in Thai patients and the treatment outcome with dexamethasone pulse therapy assessed by using the Severity of Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SCORTEN). Medical records of all patients with TEN were collected retrospectively from January 2002 to December 2012. Epidemiological features, etiologies, treatments and clinical outcomes were reviewed. Of 18 patients, the female to male ratio was 1:1 and the mean age was 49.7years. Cephalosporins (27.8%), phenytoin (16.7%), carbamazepine, sulfonamide drugs and allopurinol (11.1% each) were implicated as leading causes of TEN. Hepatitis was the most frequent complication (77.8%). Pulsed high doses of dexamethasone 1-1.5mg/kg per day for a short period were administrated in all cases. Two of the 18 patients receiving corticosteroids (SCORTEN 5 and 6) died. The mortality rate was 11% (2/18 patients), however, no patient receiving systemic corticosteroids died if the patients had less than 4points on SCORTEN. The clinical features of Thai patients with TEN were similar to other reports. In conclusion, in addition to withdrawal of the suspected agent and intensive supportive care, the administration of short-term dexamethasone pulse therapy, particularly during the initial phase, may be beneficial in reducing the mortality rate.
机译:有毒的表皮坏死溶解(TEN)是一种罕见的严重皮肤不良反应。尽管在该病的病理生理学和治疗方面仍存在争议,但在过去十年中观察到了生存率和发病率的改善。本研究的目的是通过使用毒性表皮坏死症的疾病严重程度评分(SCORTEN)来评估泰国患者TEN的临床概况以及地塞米松脉冲疗法的治疗效果。回顾性收集2002年1月至2012年12月所有TEN患者的病历。对流行病学特征,病因,治疗方法和临床结局进行了回顾。在18名患者中,男女之比为1:1,平均年龄为49.7岁。头孢菌素(27.8%),苯妥英钠(16.7%),卡马西平,磺胺类药物和别嘌呤醇(各11.1%)被认为是TEN的主要原因。肝炎是最常见的并发症(77.8%)。在所有情况下,短期内每天脉冲高剂量地塞米松1-1.5mg / kg。 18名接受皮质类固醇治疗的患者中有2名(SCORTEN 5和6)死亡。死亡率为11%(2/18例),但是,如果患者的SCORTEN评分低于4分,则没有全身性激素治疗的患者死亡。泰国的TEN患者的临床特征与其他报道相似。总之,除了撤消可疑药物和加强支持治疗外,短期地塞米松脉冲疗法的管理,尤其是在初始阶段,可能有助于降低死亡率。



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