首页> 外文期刊>The journal of clinical psychiatry >Signs and symptoms associated with the metabolic syndrome in psychiatric inpatients receiving antipsychotics: a retrospective chart review.

Signs and symptoms associated with the metabolic syndrome in psychiatric inpatients receiving antipsychotics: a retrospective chart review.


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OBJECTIVE: The metabolic syndrome has been recognized as a major health risk for patients taking atypical antipsychotics. Few studies, however, have examined large samples of psychiatric patients to explore the prevalence of the signs and symptoms associated with this condition. METHOD: The investigators retrospectively identified all inpatient admissions at the study site who were treated with antipsychotics during 2003 (N = 1691) and extracted demographic and clinical data (including measures associated with the syndrome: body mass index > 30 kg/m2, dyslipidemia, diagnosis of hypertension or diabetes). Stepwise logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with each correlate of the syndrome. RESULTS: In the majority of this sample (69.3%), at least 1 correlate of the metabolic syndrome was present. The odds that a patient would have 1 or more of these measures were approximately 8 times greater for those receiving clozapine than for those receiving another anti-psychotic medication. These patients also had increased odds (odds ratio = 2.5) of having hypertension or diabetes. In the subsample of patients with documentation for all 5 correlates of the metabolic syndrome (N = 362), 18.8% had > or = 3 of 5. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of at least 3 correlates in psychiatric inpatients receiving antipsychotics is probably an underestimate, because diagnosis was substituted for the blood pressure and glucose measures. Nonetheless, these findings support the call for routine screening for metabolic symptoms in patients receiving antipsychotics. The risk for these symptoms may be particularly high in some subgroups identified, such as patients older than 50 years and those taking clozapine or multiple antipsychotics.
机译:目的:代谢综合征已被认为是服用非典型抗精神病药的主要健康风险。然而,很少有研究检查过大量精神病患者的样本,以探索与这种情况相关的体征和症状的普遍性。方法:研究人员回顾性分析了研究地点2003年接受抗精神病药治疗的所有住院患者(N = 1691),并提取了人口统计学和临床​​数据(包括与该综合征相关的指标:体重指数> 30 kg / m2,血脂异常,诊断高血压或糖尿病)。使用逐步逻辑回归来识别与该综合征的每个相关因素相关的变量。结果:在该样本的大部分(69.3%)中,存在至少1种与代谢综合征相关的物质。接受氯氮平治疗的患者接受这些措施中的一项或多项的可能性比接受另一种抗精神病药物的患者高出约8倍。这些患者患有高血压或糖尿病的几率也增加了(优势比= 2.5)。在有文献记录的所有5种与代谢综合征相关的患者子样本中(N = 362),有18.8%的>或= 3 /5。结论:接受抗精神病药物治疗的精神病住院患者中至少有3种相关性的患病率可能被低估了,因为诊断代替了血压和血糖测量。尽管如此,这些发现支持了对接受抗精神病药的患者进行代谢症状常规筛查的呼吁。在某些确定的亚组中,这些症状的风险可能特别高,例如年龄超过50岁的患者以及服用氯氮平或多种抗精神病药的患者。



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