首页> 外文期刊>The journal of clinical psychiatry >Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Hospital Surgical Physicians Exposed to Victims of Terror: A Prospective, Controlled Questionnaire Survey.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Hospital Surgical Physicians Exposed to Victims of Terror: A Prospective, Controlled Questionnaire Survey.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Surgical physicians often treat victims of terror-related multiple-casualty incidents. This may cause secondary posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), impairing their ability to care for patients. The objective of this study was to determine whether professional exposure to victims of terror caused PTSD in Israeli physicians from surgical disciplines. METHOD: This was a validated questionnaire survey of physicians (November 2002 through March 2003) from 2 Jerusalem hospitals (a tertiary trauma center and a secondary regional hospital) divided into study (physicians from surgical disciplines regularly exposed to victims of terror) and control (physicians not regularly exposed) groups. Questionnaires included the PTSD Symptom Scale-Self-Report to diagnose PTSD (DSM-IV criteria) and allowed exclusion of other causes of similar symptoms. The main outcome measure was the difference in the prevalence of PTSD between groups. RESULTS: Included were 212 (102 study, 110 control) participants. The study group experienced a significantly higher level of exposure to terror victims at work, validating prospective group definitions. The prevalence of PTSD was similar in both groups (study group = 16%, control group = 15%; p = 1.00). The study and control groups were similar in all predicting variables except for number of years in medical practice, occupational status, and workplace. The groups had similar levels of exposure to terror outside work (p = .24). The probability that a physician would have PTSD was related to use of nonadaptive coping strategies (OR = 5.1; p = .009) and a higher level of exposure to terror out of work (OR = 3.5; p = .013). CONCLUSION: Hospital physicians from surgical disciplines who were professionally exposed to victims of terror did not demonstrate a higher incidence of PTSD than their less exposed counterparts.
机译:背景与目的:外科医师经常为恐怖相关多伤亡事件的受害者提供治疗。这可能会导致继发性创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),从而削弱其护理患者的能力。这项研究的目的是确定来自外科学科的以色列医师在专业接触恐怖受害者时是否会引起PTSD。方法:这是一项经验证的问卷调查表,对来自耶路撒冷的两家医院(三级创伤中心和二级区域医院)的医生(2002年11月至2003年3月)进行了调查,分为研究(来自经常遭受恐怖袭击的外科学科的医师)和控制人员(医师不定期暴露)组。问卷包括PTSD症状量表自我报告以诊断PTSD(DSM-IV标准),并允许排除其他类似症状的原因。主要结局指标是两组之间PTSD患病率的差异。结果:包括212(102研究,110控件)参与者。该研究小组在工作中遭受恐怖袭击者的风险要高得多,从而验证了预期的小组定义。两组的PTSD患病率相似(研究组= 16%,对照组= 15%; p = 1.00)。除医疗实践的年限,职业状况和工作场所外,研究组和对照组的所有预测变量均相似。这些群体在工作之外遭受恐怖袭击的水平相似(p = 0.24)。医师罹患PTSD的可能性与使用非适应性应对策略(OR = 5.1; p = .009)和较高的工作时间遭受恐怖威胁相关(OR = 3.5; p = .013)。结论:专业暴露于恐怖受害者的外科学科医院医师并未显示出比他们暴露较少的同行更高的PTSD发病率。



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