首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of dermatological treatment >Another approach to actinic keratosis management using nonablative fractional laser

Another approach to actinic keratosis management using nonablative fractional laser


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In an earlier issue, Drs. Prens et al. (1) have presented another method to address the need for a more perfect field therapy in the treatment of multiple actinic keratoses (AK). They note that the nonablative fractional laser in association with topical tretinoin provides an efficacious alternative compared to current accepted technologies while limiting patient comorbidities including pain, "down time", hypo and hyperpigrnentation, scarring, and prolonged healing. We applaud the authors' effort and only wish the ideal of the "perfect mousetrap" had been achieved. The notion inaccurately attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson (2) that if you "build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door" has long encapsulated the spirit of innovation driving new and better technologies throughout the world. In the US alone there has been more than 4400 patents issued for mousetraps. While at first ominous to the mice about to be dispatched, they should find solace as with so many options there isn't likely one clearly superior device.
机译:在较早的期刊中,Dr。 Prens等。 (1)提出了另一种方法来解决对多光化性角化病(AK)进行更完善的现场治疗的需求。他们指出,与目前公认的技术相比,非烧蚀性分数激光结合局部维甲酸可提供一种有效的替代方法,同时可限制患者的合并症,包括疼痛,“停工时间”,虚弱和过度劳累,结疤和长期愈合。我们赞扬作者的努力,仅希望实现“完美捕鼠器”的理想。拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)(2)不正确地认为,如果您“建立一个更好的捕鼠器,世界将打通通往家门的道路”,长期以来就封装了创新精神,在世界范围内驱动着新的更好的技术。仅在美国,就已经有4400多项捕鼠器专利获得了批准。起初对即将派遣的老鼠不祥,但它们应该找到安慰,因为有太多选择,因此不可能有一个明显优越的装置。



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