首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: Official Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology >The single-dose pharmacokinetics of midazolam and its primary metabolite in pediatric patients after oral and intravenous administration.

The single-dose pharmacokinetics of midazolam and its primary metabolite in pediatric patients after oral and intravenous administration.


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The first-dose pharmacokinetics of midazolam and its primary alpha-hydroxymetabolite were studied after single-dose administration. Eligible study patients were enrolled into one of three study arms: Arm I (midazolam/metabolite pharmacokinetic evaluation after oral administration of a syrup formulation), Arm II (the absolute bioavailability of midazolam syrup), and Arm III (midazolam and metabolite pharmacokinetics after IV administration). Complete blood sampling for pharmacokinetic analysis was available in 87 subjects. Midazolam absorption after administration of the oral syrupformulation was rapid, with adolescents absorbing the drug at approximately half the rate observed in younger children (ages 2 to < 12 years). Furthermore, midazolam t 1/2 was prolonged and CL/F reducedin adolescents as compared with younger children. Although the midazolam Vd/F appeared larger in the youngest age group after oral administration, this observation was not apparent after IV dosing, suggesting subject differences in bioavailability rather than distribution. Like midazolam, the disposition characteristics for a-hydroxymidazolam were also highly variable, with the greatest formation of metabolite (reflected by the AUC ratio) observed in children ages 2 to < 12 years. The A UC ratios of alpha-hydroxymidazolam to midazolam after IV dosing were similar across all age groups and were smaller than corresponding values following oral administration. The absolute bioavailability of midazolam averaged 36% with a very broad range (9%-71%). No relationship between midazolam bioavailability and age was observed. Overall, the disposition characteristics of midazolam and its a-hydroxy metabolite were highly variable, appeared independent of age and dose administered, and were linear over the dose range studied (0.25 to 1 mg/kg). These data suggest that an initial oral dose of 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg should be adequateforsuccessful sedation of most pediatric patients. The inherent variability in midazolam bioavailability and metabolism underscores the importance of titrating midazolam dose to desired effect.
机译:单次给药后,研究了咪达唑仑及其主要的α-羟基代谢产物的首剂药代动力学。符合条件的研究患者被纳入以下三个研究组之一:第I组(口服糖浆制剂后的咪达唑仑/代谢药物药代动力学评估),第II组(咪达唑仑糖浆的绝对生物利用度)和第III组(IV后咪达唑仑和代谢物的药代动力学)行政)。有87位受试者可进行全血采样以进行药代动力学分析。口服糖浆制剂给药后咪达唑仑吸收迅速,青少年吸收药物的速度约为年幼儿童(2至12岁)的一半。此外,与年幼儿童相比,青少年咪达唑仑t 1/2延长,CL / F降低。尽管在口服后最年轻的年龄组中咪达唑仑Vd / F较大,但在静脉内给药后这种观察并不明显,表明受试者的生物利用度而不是分布方面存在差异。像咪达唑仑一样,α-羟基咪达唑仑的处置特性也高度可变,在2至12岁以下的儿童中观察到最大的代谢产物形成(通过AUC比率反映)。静脉内给药后,α-羟基咪达唑仑与咪达唑仑的A UC比在所有年龄组中均相似,并且小于口服后的相应值。咪达唑仑的绝对生物利用度平均为36%,范围很广(9%-71​​%)。没有观察到咪达唑仑的生物利用度与年龄之间的关系。总体而言,咪达唑仑及其α-羟基代谢产物的处置特性高度可变,表现出与年龄和给药剂量无关,并且在所研究的剂量范围(0.25至1 mg / kg)内呈线性关系。这些数据表明,最初的口服剂量为0.2至0.3 mg / kg应该足以使大多数小儿患者镇静。咪达唑仑生物利用度和代谢的固有变异性强调了将咪达唑仑剂量滴定至所需效果的重要性。



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