首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Poultry Research >Spatial variation of manure nutrients and manure sampling strategy in high-rise laying-hen houses

Spatial variation of manure nutrients and manure sampling strategy in high-rise laying-hen houses


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Reliable knowledge of manure nutrient content for intensive animal operations is imperative to development of effective comprehensive nutrient management plans, which will minimize nutrient runoff and pollution of adjacent waterways. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the spatial variation of manure dry-matter (DM), phosphorus (P), and nitrogen (N) content in commercial high-rise laying-hen houses, and to determine the sampling locations and number of samples that will lead to good assessment of nutrient content of manure in the houses. Two side-by-side manure samples were collected from 9 locations in each of 6 high-rise laying-hen houses (18 samples per house) and analyzed for DM, N, and P content. The 9 sample locations were distributed as one-fourth, half, and three-fourths of the building length, with 3 sample locations (every other manure row) per cross-section of the 5 manure rows. The average of DM, N, or P content from the 18 samples per house was used as the reference value for comparison of 8 sampling scenarios. Results showed that duplicate sampling at a location added little to the precision of the data. Manure samples collected crossways across the middle of the house or diagonally across the house in either direction yielded results most similar to the reference value for that house. Hence, when collecting manure samples for nutrient assessment in high-rise laying-hen houses, a single sample collected from every other manure pile across the middle of the building should be sufficient to obtain representative samples of the house and is recommended.
机译:为了进行有效的综合养分管理计划,必须有可靠的肥料密集型动物知识,这对于制定有效的综合养分管理计划至关重要,这将最大限度地减少养分径流和相邻水道的污染。这项研究的目的是评估商业高层蛋鸡舍中粪便干物质(DM),磷(P)和氮(N)含量的空间变化,并确定采样位置和数量。样品,将有助于对房屋中粪便的营养成分进行良好的评估。在6栋高层产蛋鸡舍中的9个位置(每个鸡舍18个样本)中收集了两个并排的粪便样本,并分析了DM,N和P含量。 9个样本位置分布为建筑长度的四分之一,一半和四分之三,每5个粪肥排的每个横截面有3个样本位置(每隔一个粪肥排)。每个房屋18个样本中的DM,N或P含量的平均值用作比较8个采样方案的参考值。结果表明,在某个位置重复采样几乎不会增加数据的准确性。沿房屋的中间或沿对角线在任一方向上交叉收集的粪便样品产生的结果与该房屋的参考值最相似。因此,在高层产蛋鸡舍中收集粪肥样本以进行营养评估时,从建筑物中部每隔一个粪便堆中收集的单个样本应足以获取该房屋的代表性样本,因此建议使用。



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