首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Poultry Research >Effects of chromium methionine supplementation on performance, carcass traits, and the Ca and P metabolism of broiler chickens under heat-stress conditions.

Effects of chromium methionine supplementation on performance, carcass traits, and the Ca and P metabolism of broiler chickens under heat-stress conditions.


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We investigated the effects of different levels of chromium methionine (CrMet) on the performance, carcass traits, and Ca and P metabolism of broiler chickens under conditions of heat stress. A total of 288 male broiler chickens (Ross 308) were allocated to 4 treatment groups (supplementation with 0, 200, 400, or 800 ppb of Cr in the form of CrMet) in a completely randomized design. The experiments were conducted under heat-stress conditions, but all birds were kept below 33+or-2 degrees C. The BW and feed intake of the broilers supplemented with Cr increased at 800-ppb concentrations of Cr (P<0.05). The feed conversion was not affected by different levels of supplemental Cr in the broilers (P>0.05). Chromium supplementation did, however, increase carcass yield and decrease the abdominal fat contents. The serum Ca and P levels of the broilers were unaffected (P>0.05) by different level of CrMet supplementation, but the alkaline phosphatase activity significantly (P<0.05) decreased by these treatments. Therefore, supplemental CrMet at the level of 800 ppb can improve both performance and carcass traits in broiler chickens reared under heat-stress conditions.
机译:我们研究了不同水平的蛋氨酸铬(CrMet)对热应激条件下肉鸡的生产性能,cas体性状以及钙磷代谢的影响。完全随机设计将总共288只雄性肉鸡(罗斯308)分配到4个治疗组(补充0、200、400或800 ppb的CrMet形式的Cr)。实验是在热应激条件下进行的,但是所有家禽的温度都保持在33+或-2摄氏度以下。添加Cr的肉鸡的BW和采食量在Cr浓度为800-ppb时有所增加(P <0.05)。饲料转化率不受肉鸡补充铬水平的影响(P> 0.05)。但是,补充铬确实可以增加car体产量并减少腹部脂肪含量。补充不同水平的CrMet对肉鸡血清Ca和P水平没有影响(P> 0.05),但这些处理使碱性磷酸酶活性显着下降(P <0.05)。因此,在热应激条件下饲养的肉鸡中补充CrMet 800 ppb可以改善其性能和and体性状。



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