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Quarantine Controversy: Kaci Hickox v. Governor Chris Christie

机译:隔离争议:Kaci Hickox诉州长Chris Christie

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Nurse Kaci Hickox is among the Ebola Fighters honored by Time magazine as its 2014 Person of the Year, having treated Ebola patients in Sierra Leone while volunteering with Medecins Sans Frontieres. When she returned to the United States in October 2014, she was quarantined in New Jersey for three days before returning home to Maine under the terms of a negotiated release. A year later, in October 2015, Hickox filed suit in federal court against Governor Chris Christie and New Jersey health officials, claiming that the quarantine violated her civil rights. Her complaint asserts that New Jersey officials lacked the authority to quarantine her because she did not pose a significant risk of transmission. The lawsuit raises important questions about disease-transmission risk, the inability of science to rule out certain theoretical risks, and the state's power to quarantine. It also demonstrates that population health depends on respecting individual liberty and using the best available epidemiological data to set public health policy.
机译:护士Kaci Hickox是《时代》杂志评选的2014年度人物之一,曾在塞拉利昂治疗埃博拉病毒患者,并与无国界医生组织志愿服务。当她于2014年10月返回美国时,她在新泽西州隔离了三天,然后根据协商的释放条款回到了缅因州。一年后的2015年10月,希科克斯(Hickox)在联邦法院对州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)和新泽西州的卫生官员提起诉讼,声称检疫侵犯了她的公民权利。她的申诉断言,新泽西州官员无权隔离她,因为她没有构成重大的传播风险。诉讼引发了有关疾病传播风险,科学无法排除某些理论风险以及国家隔离的权力等重要问题。它还表明,人口健康取决于尊重个人自由并使用现有的最佳流行病学数据来制定公共卫生政策。



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