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Organ-specific rates of cellular respiration in developing sunflower seedlings and their bearing on metabolic scaling theory


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Fifty years ago Max Kleiber described what has become known as the "mouse-to-elephant" curve, i. e., a log-log plot of basal metabolic rate versus body mass. From these data, "Kleiber's 3/4 law" was deduced, which states that metabolic activity scales as the three fourths-power of body mass. However, for reasons unknown so far, no such "universal scaling law" has been discovered for land plants (embryophytes). Here, we report that the metabolic rates of four different organs (cotyledons, cotyledonary hook, hypocotyl, and roots) of developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seedlings grown in darkness (skotomorphogenesis) and in white light (photomorphogenesis) differ by a factor of 2 to 5 and are largely independent of light treatment. The organ-specific respiration rate (oxygen uptake per minute per gram of fresh mass) of the apical hook, which is composed of cells with densely packaged cytoplasm, is much higher than that of the hypocotyl, an organ that contains vacuolated cells. Data for cell length, cell density, and DNA content reveal that (1) hook opening in white light is caused by a stimulation of cell elongation on the inside of the curved organ, (2) respiration, cell density and DNA content are much higher in the hook than in the stem, and (3) organ-specific respiration rates and the DNA contents of tissues are statistically correlated. We conclude that, due to the heterogeneity of the plant body caused by the vacuolization of the cells, Kleiber's law, which was deduced using mammals as a model system, cannot be applied to embryophytes. In plants, this rule may reflect scaling phenomena at the level of the metabolically active protoplasmic contents of the cells.
机译:五十年前,麦克斯·克莱伯(Max Kleiber)描述了所谓的“鼠标到大象”曲线,即i。例如,基础代谢率与体重的对数对数图。从这些数据推论出“ Kleiber 3/4定律”,该定律指出新陈代谢活动的规模是体重的四分之三。但是,由于迄今未知的原因,尚未发现陆地植物(胚生植物)的这种“通用比例定律”。在这里,我们报道在黑暗中(skotomorphogenesis)和白光(photomorphogenesis)中生长的向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)幼苗的四个不同器官(子叶,子叶钩,下胚轴和根)的代谢速率存在差异2至5,并且基本上不受光处理的影响。顶钩的器官特异性呼吸速率(每克新鲜物质每分钟吸收的氧气)由细胞质紧密包装的细胞组成,远高于下胚轴,后者是含有空泡细胞的器官。有关细胞长度,细胞密度和DNA含量的数据表明,(1)白光中的钩子开口是由于刺激弯曲器官内部的细胞伸长而引起的,(2)呼吸,细胞密度和DNA含量要高得多(3)器官特异性呼吸速率与组织的DNA含量在统计学上相关。我们得出的结论是,由于细胞空泡化导致的植物体异质性,使用哺乳动物作为模型系统推导的克莱伯定律不能应用于胚胎植物。在植物中,该规则可能反映了细胞代谢活性原生质含量水平上的结垢现象。



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