首页> 外文期刊>Protoplasma: An International Journal of Cell Biology >Plasmodesmata in onion (Allium cepa L.) roots: a study enabled by improved fixation and embedding techniques

Plasmodesmata in onion (Allium cepa L.) roots: a study enabled by improved fixation and embedding techniques


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Onion (Allium cepa L. cv. Ebeneezer) roots from vermiculite culture were examined with transmission electron microscopy to detect the plasmodesmata in all tissues. In young root regions, plasmodesmata linked all living cells together in all directions. In old zones, the plasmodesmatal connections of the endodermis to its neighbor tissues were not interrupted by later suberin lamella and cellulosic wall deposition. Moreover, plasmodesmata in the fully mature endodermis usually exhibited a large central cavity. In the exodermis, however, upon deposition of suberin lamellae in long cells, all plasmodesmata that initially linked them to their adjacent cells were severed. Afterwards, the long cells lost the capability of forming wound pit callose and their protoplasts began to degenerate. The mature exodermal layer was symplastically bridged to its neighbors only by the short (passage) cells that lacked suberin lamellae. Compared to the long cells, the short cells not only had thicker cytoplasm surrounding their central vacuoles but also a higher density of mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum, consistent with an active involvement in the transport processes of the root. The above results were obtained by an improved, extended transmission electron microscopy procedure devised to analyze plasmodesmata in cells with suberin lamellae. By prefixing root tissues in glutaraldehyde and acrolein, all cells were well preserved. Postfixation was carried out in osmium tetroxide at a low concentration (0.5%). Following dehydration in acetone and transfer to propylene oxide, infiltration with Spurr's resin was accomplished by incubating samples in the accelerator-free mixture for 4 days, then infiltrating samples in the accelerator-amended mixture for additional 4 days. [References: 47]
机译:用透射电子显微镜检查from石培养物中的洋葱(葱属C. L. ebeneezer)根,以检测所有组织中的胞膜。在年轻的根部区域,疟原虫将所有活细胞在各个方向上连接在一起。在较旧的区域,内胚层与其附近组织的胞膜间皮连接不会被后来的粉刺薄片和纤维素壁沉积所打断。而且,在完全成熟的内胚层中的浆胞瘤通常表现出大的中央腔。然而,在外皮中,在长细胞中沉积了木栓质薄片之后,所有将其与相邻细胞连接的胞质均被切断。此后,长细胞丧失了形成伤口的能力,它们的原生质体开始退化。成熟的表皮层仅通过缺乏木栓质薄片的短(传代)细胞与周围的组织共生桥接。与长细胞相比,短细胞不仅在中央液泡周围具有较厚的细胞质,而且线粒体和粗面内质网的密度较高,这与积极参与根的转运过程相一致。上述结果是通过改进的,扩展的透射电子显微镜程序获得的,该程序设计用于分析具有木栓质薄片的细胞中的胞质。通过在戊二醛和丙烯醛中加根组织,所有细胞都得到了很好的保存。在低浓度(0.5%)的四氧化中进行后固定。在丙酮中脱水并转移至环氧丙烷后,通过将样品在无促进剂的混合物中温育4天,然后将样品浸入在促进剂修饰的混合物中4天,从而完成Spurr树脂的浸润。 [参考:47]



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