首页> 外文期刊>The Global Standard >An important addressing issue SAI Global's webshop has moved

An important addressing issue SAI Global's webshop has moved

机译:SAI Global的网上商店已解决的一个重要问题

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IT'S ODD TO THINK that when Standards Australia first switched on its Internet site in 1996, those of us who built it were very proud of a site that did absolutely nothing. Like a Seinfeld episode - a site about nothing. Today the direct successor to that site handles more than 8 million enquiries every year, and has over 70,000 registered users. In fact, its runaway commercial success was one of many factors that, in 2003, led Standards Australia to divest itself of all its commercial activities, and to refocus on its roll as the national standards development organisation. Among the businesses sold to SAI Global Limited was the highly successful Publishing division, responsible for the marketing and sales of Australian Standards~R. This division had become a very visible online bookseller in Australia, and a global distributor of books in electronic format - the ubiquitous PDF.
机译:可以想到的是,澳大利亚标准局(Standards Australia)于1996年首次启用其互联网站点时,我们建立该站点的人们为该站点什么都没做而感到自豪。就像塞恩菲尔德(Seinfeld)剧集一样-一个没有内容的网站。如今,该站点的直接后继者每年处理超过800万次查询,并拥有70,000多名注册用户。实际上,其失控的商业成功是许多因素之一,在2003年,它促使澳大利亚标准局放弃了其所有商业活动,并重新专注于成为国家标准制定组织。出售给SAI Global Limited的业务中有一个非常成功的出版部门,负责澳大利亚标准〜R的市场营销和销售。该部门已成为澳大利亚非常知名的在线书商,并且是电子格式的图书的全球发行商-无处不在的PDF。



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