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Trail blazing New draft Standard for road signs


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It's impossible to tell people how to get from everywhere to everywhere else by fixed signposting. Those responsible for road signs and numbering systems have to be selective in the directions given, ensuring their selections will serve the greatest number of people, are clearly displayed and have a message length than can be easily read in the time available. On the road system there is a further obligation to help people navigate their way to their chosen destination. These concurrent requirements are met by a number of means including having consistent destination naming along a route, displaying the names on signs of adequate size and with recognisable graphic design characteristics, displaying signs in prominent positions where they can best be read under the prevailing conditions and, finally, by'blazing trails'using systems of numbered routes between major centres. Standards Australia's recently released draft for comment, DR 05130, Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 15, Direction signs, information signs and route numbering, offers a means of uniformly applying these needs to roads throughout Australia.
机译:不可能通过固定路标告诉人们如何从任何地方到达其他地方。负责道路标志和编号系统的人员必须在给定的方向上保持选择性,以确保他们的选择将服务于最多的人,清楚地显示出来,并具有比在现有时间内容易阅读的消息长度。在道路系统上,还有另外的义务来帮助人们导航到他们选择的目的地。这些并发要求可以通过多种方式来满足,包括沿路线具有一致的目的地命名,在足够大的标志上显示名称以及具有可识别的图形设计特征,在醒目位置显示标志,以便在当前条件下最容易阅读它们;以及最后,通过在主要中心之间使用编号路线的系统来“开拓创新”。澳大利亚标准局最近发布的征求意见稿DR 05130,统一交通控制设备手册,第15部分,方向标志,信息标志和路线编号,提供了一种将这些需求统一应用于整个澳大利亚道路的方法。



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