首页> 外文期刊>Biological psychiatry >Maternal prenatal cortisol and infant cognitive development: moderation by infant-mother attachment.

Maternal prenatal cortisol and infant cognitive development: moderation by infant-mother attachment.


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BACKGROUND: Experimental animal studies suggest that early glucocorticoid exposure may have lasting effects on the neurodevelopment of the offspring; animal studies also suggest that this effect may be eliminated by positive postnatal rearing. The relevance of these findings to humans is not known. METHODS: We prospectively followed 125 mothers and their normally developing children from pregnancy through 17 months postnatal. Amniotic fluid was obtained at, on average, 17.2 weeks gestation; infants were assessed at an average age of 17 months with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, and ratings of infant-mother attachment classification were made from the standard Ainsworth Strange Situation assessment. RESULTS: Prenatal cortisol exposure, indexed by amniotic fluid levels, negatively predicted cognitive ability in the infant, independent of prenatal, obstetric, and socioeconomic factors. This association was moderated by child-mother attachment: in children with an insecure attachment, the correlation was [r(54) = -.47, p < .001]; in contrast, the association was nonexistent in children who had a secure attachment [r(70) = -.05, ns]. CONCLUSIONS: These findings mimic experimental animal findings and provide the first direct human evidence that increased cortisol in utero is associated with impaired cognitive development, and that its impact is dependent on the quality of the mother-infant relationship.
机译:背景:实验动物研究表明,早期糖皮质激素的暴露可能对后代的神经发育具有持久的影响。动物研究还表明,产后积极饲养可消除这种影响。这些发现与人类的相关性尚不清楚。方法:我们从怀孕到产后17个月,对125名母亲及其正常发育的孩子进行了前瞻性随访。平均在妊娠17.2周时获得羊水。使用Bayley婴儿发育量表对平均17个月的婴儿进行评估,并根据标准Ainsworth Strange现状评估对婴儿-母亲依恋进行了分级。结果:产前皮质醇暴露,由羊水水平指数,对婴儿的认知能力具有负面预测,与产前,产科和社会经济因素无关。这种联系是通过儿童与母亲的依恋关系来缓和的:在具有不安全依恋关系的儿童中,相关性为[r(54)= -.47,p <.001];相反,在有安全依恋的儿童中这种关联是不存在的[r(70)= -.05,ns]。结论:这些发现模仿了实验动物的发现,并提供了人类的第一个直接证据,即子宫内皮质醇增加与认知发育受损有关,其影响取决于母婴关系的质量。



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