首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Veterinary Journal >Relationship Between Livestock and Human Development Indices inVarious Districts of Tamil Nadu

Relationship Between Livestock and Human Development Indices inVarious Districts of Tamil Nadu


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The present study was conducted to estimate the correlation between the Sustainable Livestock Production Index (SLPI) and Human Development Index (HDI). The SLPI was constructed for each district of Tamil Nadu using eight indicators, three each capturing the economic (livestock productivity, labour productivity and energy availability from livestock products) andsocial dimension of sustainability (rural female literacy, access to public infrastructure and growth rate of common property resources) and two for the ecological aspects (relative area under natural vegetation cover to cultivated land and surplus animals in relation to carrying capacity of land). The rank order correlation between SLPI and HDI in various districts of Tamil Nadu was found to be positively significant (0.451), which implied that there was moderate positive correlation between SLPI and HDI.
机译:进行本研究以估计可持续畜牧生产指数(SLPI)与人类发展指数(HDI)之间的相关性。 SLPI是针对泰米尔纳德邦每个区使用的八项指标构建而成的,其中三项指标分别反映了经济性(畜牧生产力,劳动生产率和畜牧业的能源供应)和可持续性的社会维度(农村女性识字率,获得公共基础设施的机会以及共同增长率)财产资源)和两个生态方面的问题(相对于土地承载力而言,自然植被覆盖的相对面积涵盖耕地和剩余动物)。发现泰米尔纳德邦各地区SLPI与HDI之间的等级相关性为正相关(0.451),这表明SLPI与HDI之间存在中等程度的正相关性。



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