首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of adolescent health: official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine >Cohesive, trusting communities buoy at-risk youth throughout adolescence

Cohesive, trusting communities buoy at-risk youth throughout adolescence


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Despite significant reductions in the U.S. teenage pregnancy rate over the last 20 years, disparities based on race/ ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location persist. The most recent data show, for example, that African-Americans had the highest teenage pregnancy rate of 121.6 pregnancies per 1,000 15-19-year-olds in 2008, which was three times higher than that for non-Hispanic white teens (at 44.8 pregnancies/1,000 teens). Recent national analyses also show wide variation in teen birthrates by geographic locale, with teen birthrates in rural counties higher than in other areas of the country regardless of age or race/ethnicity. In fact, the teen birthrate increases steadily as the level of urbanization decreases. Moreover, a disproportionate share of teen parents are from households with incomes either below or just above poverty-level. In this issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, Kogan and colleagues analyze protective factors against teen pregnancy among adolescents facing a "trifecta" of risks: poor, working-class African-American teens living in rural Georgia or Iowa. Kogan and colleagues' findings reveal that living in a supportive and cohesive family and community at age 11 years initiated a chain of events that led to an optimistic future outlook at age 16 years, which in turn, led to successful avoidance of pregnancy by age 19 years. These findings are important because although the risks associated with teenage pregnancy have been thoroughly investigated, less is known about early determinants, particularly those found in youths' environs, and specifically from a protective vantage point. Kogan et al.'s findings reinforce the need for ecological resilience models that take into account the influence of risk and protective factors in youths' contexts, from several socialization domains, and across development. This is a relatively new approach in adolescent health studies, because most theory and research on parenting and families usually ignore community context, and community studies generally do not consider parenting behavior or family functioning; yet, all three processes (community, family, and parenting) are known to be correlated and all can function as supportive controls that decrease youths' deviant and risky behavior.
机译:尽管过去20年来美国青少年怀孕率大幅度下降,但基于种族/族裔,社会经济地位和地理位置的差异仍然存在。例如,最新数据显示,2008年,非洲裔美国人的最高怀孕率是每千名15-19岁青少年中有121.6例怀孕,这比非西班牙裔白人青少年(44.8)高出三倍。怀孕/ 1,000名青少年)。最近的国家分析还显示,按地理位置划分的青少年出生率差异很大,农村县的青少年出生率高于该国其他地区,而不论年龄或种族/民族。实际上,随着城市化水平的降低,青少年出生率稳步上升。此外,收入水平低于或略高于贫困线的家庭中,青少年父母比例过高。在本期《青少年健康杂志》中,Kogan及其同事分析了面临风险“三连击”的青少年中防止青少年怀孕的保护因素:生活在乔治亚州或爱荷华州农村的贫穷,工人阶级的非洲裔美国青少年。 Kogan及其同事的研究结果表明,在11岁时生活在一个相互支持且团结一致的家庭和社区中引发了一系列事件,这些事件导致人们对16岁时的未来前景持乐观态度,进而导致19岁时成功避免怀孕。年份。这些发现很重要,因为尽管已经对与少女怀孕有关的风险进行了彻底的调查,但对早期决定因素的了解却很少,尤其是在青年人周围,尤其是从保护性角度出发。 Kogan等人的发现加强了对生态适应力模型的需求,该模型应考虑到风险和保护因素在青年背景下(来自多个社会化领域和跨发展领域)的影响。这是青少年健康研究中的一种相对较新的方法,因为大多数有关养育子女和家庭的理论和研究通常会忽略社区背景,而社区研究通常不会考虑养育子女的行为或家庭功能。然而,众所周知,这三个过程(社区,家庭和养育子女)都是相关的,并且都可以作为支持性控制,从而减少青少年的越轨行为和冒险行为。



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