首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of eating disorders >Impact of using DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing binge eating disorder in bariatric surgery candidates: Change in prevalence rate, demographic characteristics, and scores on the minnesota multiphasic personality inventory - 2 restructured form (MMPI-2-RF)

Impact of using DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing binge eating disorder in bariatric surgery candidates: Change in prevalence rate, demographic characteristics, and scores on the minnesota multiphasic personality inventory - 2 restructured form (MMPI-2-RF)


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Objective Binge eating disorder (BED) was recently included in the DSM-5. The prevalence rate for BED using the DSM-IV-TR research criteria tends to be higher in bariatric surgery candidates than the normative population; however, no studies have examined how many more bariatric surgery candidates will meet the new, less conservative criteria of DSM-5. We explore the current BED prevalence rate change in a sample of bariatric surgery candidates. Method Data were obtained for 1,283 bariatric surgery candidates. 84 men and 213 women were diagnosed with current BED using DSM-IV-TR research criteria. A semi-structured interview, the binge eating scale (BES), and a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) were given to every patient as part of standard procedures mandated by the facility. Results and Discussion An additional 3.43% (p-<-.001) of bariatric surgery candidates met the diagnostic threshold for BED when using DSM-5 criteria. These individuals were demographical similar and produced similar MMPI-2-RF and BES scores when compared with patients who met DSM-IV-TR criteria for BED. Thus, the current investigation indicates that individuals meeting BED criteria based on DSM-5 are similar to those meeting the more conservative diagnostic threshold outlined in DSM-IV-TR in a sample of bariatric surgery candidates.
机译:DSM-5中包含了客观的暴食症(BED)。使用DSM-IV-TR研究标准进行的BED患病率在减肥手术患者中比正常人群要高。但是,没有研究检查有多少减肥手术候选人将符合DSM-5的新标准,而不是保守的标准。我们探索了减肥手术候选人中当前的BED患病率变化。方法获得了1,283例减肥手术患者的数据。根据DSM-IV-TR研究标准,有84位男性和213位女性被诊断出患有当前的BED。作为该机构规定的标准程序的一部分,对每位患者进行了半结构式访谈,暴饮暴食量表(BES)和明尼苏达州多相人格量表-2重组表(MMPI-2-RF)。结果与讨论使用DSM-5标准时,另外有3.43%(p-<。001)的减肥手术候选人达到了BED的诊断阈值。与符合DSM-IV-TR BED标准的患者相比,这些人的人口统计学特征相似,并产生相似的MMPI-2-RF和BES评分。因此,当前的调查表明,在减肥手术候选样本中,满足基于DSM-5的BED标准的个体与满足DSM-IV-TR中概述的更为保守的诊断阈值的个体相似。



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