首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology >A spatially explicit assessment and analysis of water-eroded desertification and its combating in Yunnan Province, China

A spatially explicit assessment and analysis of water-eroded desertification and its combating in Yunnan Province, China


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In a study on water-eroded desertification in Yunnan Province, we used remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) to determine the areas of water-eroded desertified land objectively, to analyze the spatial distribution and causes of desertification in association with the geologic background, and to propose the appropriate measures for prevention and control. We found that the area of water-eroded desertification in 2008 was 35,949.69 km(2), accounting for 9.39% of the total land area in Yunnan. The main reason of desertification is the combined impact of the development of geologic structures and specific lithology. Human factors exacerbate and sometimes induce the desertification. We recommend that the desertification prevention and control should focus on the desertification-prone areas, including the neighboring regions of active faults such as the Jinsha RiverHong River fault, YuanmouLuzhi River fault, FuyuanMile fault, WenshanMalipo fault, Nanpan River fault, Xiao River fault, and QujingZhaotong fau the sedimentary and Quaternary regions covered by mudstone, clay stone, and carbonate rocks; and the neotectonic regions such as the fold-style uplift region in east Yunnan, the secondary uplift region in southeast Yunnan, and the large block-style uplift region in central Yunnan. The population pressure should be reduced and industrial activities such as construction and mining should be more strictly regulated to prevent human activities from exacerbating water-eroded desertification.
机译:在对云南省水蚀荒漠化的研究中,我们利用遥感和地理信息系统(GIS)客观地确定了水蚀荒漠化地区的面积,并结合地质背景分析了荒漠化的空间分布和成因,并提出适当的预防和控制措施。我们发现2008年的水蚀荒漠化面积为35949.69 km(2),占云南省总土地面积的9.39%。荒漠化的主要原因是地质构造和特定岩性发展的综合影响。人为因素加剧并有时导致荒漠化。我们建议荒漠化防治应集中在荒漠化易发地区,包括金沙江洪河断层,元谋鹿至河断层,富源米勒断层,文山马栗坡断层,南盘河断层,小河断层等活动断层的邻近地区,曲靖昭通断裂;泥岩,粘土岩和碳酸盐岩覆盖的沉积和第四纪地区;以及云南东部的褶皱型隆起区,滇东南的次级隆起区和云南中部的大块状隆起区等新构造地区。应减少人口压力,并应更严格地规范建筑和采矿等工业活动,以防止人类活动加剧水土流失的荒漠化。



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