首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of social psychiatry >Bullying in childhood and religious/spiritual status in adulthood among internal medicine outpatients

Bullying in childhood and religious/spiritual status in adulthood among internal medicine outpatients


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Background: Bullying in childhood is ubiquitous and associated with a number of identified negative outcomes in both childhood and adulthood. However, the relationship between being bullied in childhood and religious/spiritual status in adulthood has never been explored. Method: Using a cross-sectional sample of 324 consecutive internal medicine outpatients and a survey methodology, we examined relationships between 'When you were growing up, were you ever a victim of bullying?' and (1) self-perceived extent of religiosity/spirituality and (2) religiosity/spirituality as assessed by scores on the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp-12). Results: While bullying status in childhood was not related to either the self-perceived extent of religiosity or spirituality, it did evidence negative statistically significant relationships with seven of 12 FACIT-Sp-12 scales, as well as the overall composite score. Conclusions: According to these data, bullying in childhood is associated with lower religious/spiritual well-being in adulthood; however, this study was not designed to examine a causal relationship.
机译:背景:儿童期的欺凌无处不在,并且在儿童期和成年期都与许多确定的负面结果有关。但是,从未探讨过在儿童时期被欺负与成年时期的宗教/精神状态之间的关系。方法:我们使用连续324名内科门诊患​​者的横断面样本和调查方法,研究了“长大后,您曾经遭受过欺凌吗?”之间的关系。 (1)自我认知程度/宗教信仰和精神状态;(2)宗教信仰/精神信仰由慢性病治疗-精神健康功能评估量表(FACIT-Sp-12)中的分数评估。结果:虽然儿童时期的欺凌状态与自己的宗教信仰或灵性程度无关,但确实证明与12个FACIT-Sp-12量表中的7个以及整体综合评分呈负相关,具有统计学意义。结论:根据这些数据,儿童时期的欺凌与成年后较低的宗教/精神健康相关;但是,本研究并非旨在检查因果关系。



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