首页> 外文期刊>The European physical journal, B. Condensed matter physics >A complementary view on the growth of directory trees

A complementary view on the growth of directory trees


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Trees are a special sub-class of networks with unique properties, such as the level distributionwhich has often been overlooked. We analyse a general tree growth model proposed by Klemm et al. [Phys.Rev. Lett. 95, 128701 (2005)] to explain the growth of user-generated directory structures in computers.The model has a single parameter q which interpolates between preferential attachment and randomgrowth. Our analysis results in three contributions: first, we propose a more efficient estimation methodfor q based on the degree distribution, which is one specific representation of the model. Next, we introducethe concept of a level distribution and analytically solve the model for this representation. This allows for analternative and independent measure of q. We argue that, to capture real growth processes, the q estimationsfrom the degree and the level distributions should coincide. Thus, we finally apply both representationsto validate the model with synthetically generated tree structures, as well as with collected data of userdirectories. In the case of real directory structures, we show that q measured from the level distribution areincompatible with q measured from the degree distribution. In contrast to this, we find perfect agreementin the case of simulated data. Thus, we conclude that the model is an incomplete description of the growthof real directory structures as it fails to reproduce the level distribution. This insight can be generalisedto point out the importance of the level distribution for modeling tree growth.
机译:树是具有独特属性的网络的特殊子类,例如通常被忽略的级别分布。我们分析了Klemm等人提出的一般树木生长模型。 [Phys.Rev。来吧95,128701(2005)]解释了用户生成的目录结构在计算机中的增长。该模型具有单个参数q,可在优先附件和随机增长之间进行插值。我们的分析产生了三点贡献:首先,我们提出了一种基于度分布的q的更有效估计方法,这是模型的一种具体表示形式。接下来,我们介绍一个级别分布的概念,并对此解析表示模型进行求解。这允许q的替代和独立度量。我们认为,为了捕获实际的增长过程,从程度和水平分布得出的q估计值应该重合。因此,我们最终将两种表示形式应用于通过合成生成的树结构以及用户目录的收集数据来验证模型。在真实目录结构的情况下,我们表明从级别分布测量的q与从程度分布测量的q不兼容。与此相反,我们在模拟数据的情况下找到了完美的一致性。因此,我们得出的结论是,该模型是对真实目录结构增长的不完整描述,因为它无法再现级别分布。这种见解可以概括为指出水平分布对于树生长建模的重要性。



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