首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences >Factors influencing adaptation strategies by livestock owners to combat climate variability in Karnataka state: Application of ordered logistic regression model

Factors influencing adaptation strategies by livestock owners to combat climate variability in Karnataka state: Application of ordered logistic regression model


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Climate variability refers to the way climate fluctuates yearly above or below a long-term average value. It is considered as one of the most serious long-term challenges faced by livestock rearers, in this context it is important to know about the adaptation strategies followed by the livestock rearers in combating the climate variability vagaries. The present study was conducted in purposively selected northern dry zone of Karnataka with 120 livestock rearers, the major findings of the study were: Majority of the respondents were following adaptation strategies like keeping, promoting and interested in local breeds (60.83%), about 42.50% of livestock rearers made changes in micro-climate in cattle shed/stall, and 47.50% of respondents were providing extra concentrate, minerals supplementation and feed additives to their livestock, etc. An ordered logit model is estimated to investigate the factors influencing adoption of various strategies to combat climate variability. Among the adaptation strategies, the proportional odds assumption was satisfied only for keeping, promoting and interest in local breeds; change in micro-climate in cattle shed/stall and shifting from large ruminants to small ruminants were found significant with the herd size; land holding and education level of the respondents and for other variables the ordinal regression was not performed. It was also found that livestock rearers followed the cost effective adaption strategies, and all the adaptation techniques were region-specific, requiring no external help and were inherently scientific.
机译:气候变异性是指气候在长期平均值之上或之下每年波动的方式。它被认为是畜牧业者面临的最严重的长期挑战之一,在这种情况下,重要的是要了解畜牧业者在应对气候多变性方面所采取的适应策略。本研究是在卡纳塔克邦的有针对性的北部干旱地区进行的,该地区有120头牲畜饲养者,该研究的主要发现是:大多数受访者遵循适应策略,如饲养,推广和对当地品种感兴趣(60.83%),约42.50 %的牲畜饲养者改变了牛棚/畜栏的小气候,有47.50%的被调查者正在向其牲畜提供额外的精矿,矿物质补充剂和饲料添加剂等。估计采用有序logit模型来调查影响采食的因素各种应对气候变化的策略。在适应策略中,比例赔率假设仅满足于保持,促进和对当地品种感兴趣。牛棚/畜栏的小气候变化以及从大反刍动物向小反刍动物的转变对牛群的大小有显着影响;受访者的土地持有和教育水平,而对于其他变量,未进行有序回归。还发现,牲畜饲养者遵循具有成本效益的适应策略,并且所有适应技术都是针对特定地区的,不需要外部帮助,并且本质上是科学的。



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