首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences >Prolificacy in Indian goat breeds is independent of FecB mutation

Prolificacy in Indian goat breeds is independent of FecB mutation


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Genetic studies on sheep prolificacy have indicated that litter size and ovulation rate is determined by the action of single genes, named fecundity (Fec) genes. In the present study, an attempt was made to screen Indian goats for the presence or absence of FecB mutation in BMPRIB gene which has been established as a prolificacy associated marker in sheep. Blood samples were collected and DNA was extracted from 200 goats with history of high twinning rate for three consecutive parities belonging to six prolific breeds (Black Bengal, Beetal, Barbari, Malabari, Sikkim and Jakhrana) of India. These goats were genotyped for the presence of FecB mutation by forced restriction fragment length polymorphism PCR technique. The efficiency and accuracy of the PCR-RFLP assay was confirmed by DNA sequencing of representative samples of each breed. All the goats were found to be homozygous non-carriers indicating absence of FecB mutation. Complete concordance was observed between the results obtained by PCR-RFLP and direct DNA sequencing. These results suggest that fecundity of these prolific goat breeds is not linked to the same locus in BMPRIB gene as in some sheep breeds, and other polymorphism(s) or genes may be involved in governing the fecundity trait in caprines.
机译:对绵羊繁殖力的遗传研究表明,产仔数和排卵率是由单个基因(繁殖力(Fec))基因的作用决定的。在本研究中,尝试筛选印度山羊BMPRIB基因中是否存在FecB突变,该基因已被确定为绵羊多产相关标记。采集血样并从200头具有高孪生率的山羊中提取DNA,用于连续三个同胎的印度,它们属于印度的六个多产品种(黑孟加拉,比塔尔,巴巴拉,马拉巴里,锡金和贾赫拉纳)。通过强制限制性片段长度多态性PCR技术对这些山羊的FecB突变进行基因分型。 PCR-RFLP分析的效率和准确性通过每个品种代表性样品的DNA测序得到证实。发现所有山羊均为纯合非携带者,表明不存在FecB突变。通过PCR-RFLP获得的结果与直接DNA测序之间观察到完全一致。这些结果表明,这些多产的山羊品种的繁殖力与某些绵羊品种的BMPRIB基因不在同一基因座,并且其他多态性或基因可能参与了控制山羊的繁殖力性状。



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