首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Effect of phosphorus and zinc application on growth and yield of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) and their residual effect on succeeding pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) under irrigated conditions of north west Rajasthan.

Effect of phosphorus and zinc application on growth and yield of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) and their residual effect on succeeding pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) under irrigated conditions of north west Rajasthan.

机译:磷和锌的施用对西北拉贾斯坦邦灌溉条件下胡芦巴(Trigonella foenum-graecum)生长和产量的影响以及对后续珍珠粟(Pennisetum glaucum)的残留影响。

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Field experiments were conducted in Bikaner, Rajasthan, India, during the 2003/04 and 2004/05 rabi and kharif seasons, to study the effect of phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) fertilizer applications on yield attributes and yield of fenugreek and their residual effect on yield of succeeding pearl millet. On a pooled basis, significant improvements were recorded in branches per plant, pods per plant, test weight, seed, straw and biological yield of fenugreek up to the application of 40 kg P< sub>2O< sub>5/ha, whereas seeds per pod increased only up to 20 kg P< sub>2O< sub>5/ha. Basal application of 5.0 kg Zn/ha significantly increased pods per plant, seed, straw and biological yield, whereas branches per plant increased up to 7.5 kg Zn/ha and seeds per pod and test weight only up to 2.5 kg Zn/ha. Foliar applications of different concentrations (0.25 and 0.5% ZnSO< sub>4) and frequency (once and twice) were inferior to the basal mode of application. Residual effect of 40 kg P< sub>2O< sub>5/ha significantly enhanced the effective tillers per plant of succeeding pearl millet, whereas ear length and test weight improved only up to the residual effect of 20 kg P< sub>2O< sub>5/ha. Seed, stover and biological yield and harvest index of pearl millet increased up to the residual effect of 60 kg P< sub>2O< sub>5/ha. The residual effect of 5.0 kg Zn/ha significantly increased effective tillers, stover and biological yield, whereas seed yield and harvest index improved significantly up to 7.5 kg Zn/ha and ear length and test weight improved only up to 2.5 kg Zn/ha. The residual effect of any foliar spray on pearl millet was not observed.
机译:在印度拉贾斯坦邦的比卡内尔(Bikaner)于2003/04和2004/05狂犬病和卡里夫季节进行了田间试验,以研究施用磷(P)和锌(Zn)肥料对胡芦巴及其属的产量特征和产量的影响对后续珍珠小米产量的残留影响。在汇总的基础上,记录到在施用40 kg P 2 O 5的情况下,每株植物的枝条,每株豆荚,测试重量,种子,稻草和胡芦巴的生物产量都有显着改善。 / ha,而每个豆荚的种子最多仅增加20 kg P 2 O 5 / ha。基础施用5.0 kg锌/公顷可显着增加每株植物的荚果,种子,秸秆和生物产量,而每株植物的枝条最多可增加7.5 kg锌/公顷,每荚果和种子的重量仅增加2.5 kg锌/公顷。叶面施用不同浓度(0.25和0.5%ZnSO 4 )和频率(一次和两次)的效果不如基础施用方式。 40 kg P 2 O 5 / ha的残留量显着提高了后继珍珠粟的每株植物的有效分till,而穗长和容重仅在达到残留量之前有所改善每公顷20公斤P 2 O 5 珍珠小米的种子,秸秆和生物学产量及收获指数提高至60 kg P 2 O 5 / ha的残留效应。 5.0 kg Zn / ha的残留效应显着提高了有效的分till,秸秆和生物产量,而高达7.5 kg Zn / ha的种子产量和收获指数显着提高,而穗长和试验重量仅提高了2.5 kg Zn / ha。没有观察到任何叶面喷雾对小米的残留作用。



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