首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Effect of planting time and density on plant growth, seed yield and quality attributes in onion (Allium cepa) cv. Pusa Riddhi

Effect of planting time and density on plant growth, seed yield and quality attributes in onion (Allium cepa) cv. Pusa Riddhi

机译:播种时间和密度对洋葱(cium)cv中植物生长,种子产量和品质属性的影响。普萨·里迪(Pusa Riddhi)

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The present experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of planting time and density on plant growth, seed yield and quality attributes in onion (Album cepa L.) cv. Pusa Riddhi at SPU, TARE, New Delhi during rabi 2013-14 and 2014-15. The experiment consists of three different planting dates, i.e. 15 October (T-1), 25 October (T-2) and 5 November (T-3) with three spacings, viz. 60 x 10 cm (S-1) 60x20 cm.(S-2) 60x30 cm (S-3). The experimental results revealed that the date of planting and plant spacing had significant influence on growth attributes, flowering, yield and quality characters. The planting on 15 October (T-1) showed significant higher, seed scape height (101.4 cm), umbel diameter (6.54 cm), productive umbellates/umbel (414.73), seed setting (83.69%), seed yield/plant (8.71 g) and yield/ha (6.86 q), germination (%) (88.43), seedling length (9.48 cm), seedling dry weight (1.9 mg) and vigour index-I and II (8.33.32 and 167.08) than 25 October and 5 November planting. The plant spacing 60x30cm (S-3) showed higher number of leaves/plant (40.89) seed scape height (102.26 cm), scape diameter (1.88 cm), total scapes/plant (11.72), umbel diameter (6.58 cm), productive scapes/plant (8.35), umbellates/umbel (503.52), productive umbellates/umbel (419.4), yield/umbel (3.48 g), seed yield/plant (12.43 g), seed yield/ha (6.22 q), 1000 seed weight (3.01 g), germination (%) (89.76) and seed vigour-I and II (918.56 and 172.96) than closer spacing. The incidence of disease, disease severity index and scape lodging (%) were significantly lower in 15 October (T-1) and 60x30 (S3).
机译:进行本实验以研究播种时间和密度对洋葱(album cepa L.)cv的植物生长,种子产量和品质属性的影响。 SPU,TARE,狂犬病2013-14和2014-15期间的新德里的Pusa Riddhi。该实验由三个不同的播种日期组成,即10月15日(T-1),10月25日(T-2)和11月5日(T-3),间隔为三个。 60 x 10厘米(S-1)60x20厘米(S-2)60x30厘米(S-3)实验结果表明,播种日期和株距对生长特性,开花,产量和品质性状都有显着影响。 10月15日(T-1)的种植表现出更高的播种量,种子scape高(101.4 cm),伞形直径(6.54 cm),生产伞形/伞形(414.73),结实(83.69%),种子产量/植物(8.71) g)和产量/公顷(6.86 q),发芽(%)(88.43),幼苗长度(9.48 cm),幼苗干重(1.9 mg)和活力指数I和II(8.33.32和167.08)(10月25日)和11月5日播种。植物间距60x30cm(S-3)显示出更多的叶子/植物(40.89)种子景深高度(102.26 cm),景深直径(1.88 cm),总景深/植物(11.72),伞形直径(6.58 cm),高产花草/植物(8.35),伞形/伞形(503.52),生产伞形/伞形(419.4),产量/伞形(3.48 g),种子产量/植物(12.43 g),种子产量/公顷(6.22 q),1000种子重量(3.01 g),发芽率(%)(89.76)和种子活力I和II(918.56和172.96)的间距要小些。在10月15日(T-1)和60x30(S3),疾病的发病率,疾病严重性指数和花倒伏率(%)显着降低。



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