首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Effect of plant density and integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and economics of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in temperate region

Effect of plant density and integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and economics of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in temperate region

机译:温带地区植物密度和养分综合管理对羽衣甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var。acephala)生长,产量,品质和经济的影响

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An experiment was laid out during 2006-07 with 18 treatment combinations of 3 spacing and 6 nutrition levels in a factorial randomized block design with 3 replications. Among the plant spacing, 30 cm x 40 cm recorded higher plant spread (37.80 cm), leaf area (216.23 cm2), number of leaves/plant (11.13), average leaf weight (22.13 g), petiole length (12.95 cm), petiole mid-rib weight (8.95 g), leaf weight/plant (166.04 g), dry matter content (13.69%), total chlorophyll content (61.06 mg/100 g), total carotenoids (2.53 mg/100 g) and vitamin C content (100.65 mg/100 g). But significantly higher leaf yield (26.25 tonnes/ha) was recorded with a spacing of 30 cm x 20 cm due to large plant population/unit area. Among the nutritional levels, 50% recommended fertilizers dose+3 tonnes vermicompost/ha recorded significantly higher plant spread (43.17 cm), leaf area (268.36 cm2), number of leaves/plant (12.65), average leaf weight (24.14 g), duration of picking (45 days), leaf weight (188.93 g/plant) and leaf yield (26.25 tonnes/ha). The highest net returns of Rs 2 12 801 and benefit:cost ratio of 4.28 was accrued with 30 cm x 20 cm plant spacing along with 50% recommended fertilizers dose+3 tonnes vermicompost/ha.
机译:在2006-07年间进行了一项实验,采用3种间隔和6种营养水平的18种治疗组合,进行了3​​次重复的因子随机区组设计。在植物间距中,30 cm x 40 cm记录到较高的植物传播(37.80 cm),叶面积(216.23 cm 2 ),叶/植物数(11.13),平均叶重(22.13 g) ,叶柄长(12.95 cm),叶柄中肋重(8.95 g),叶重/植物(166.04 g),干物质含量(13.69%),总叶绿素含量(61.06 mg / 100 g),总类胡萝卜素(2.53)毫克/ 100克)和维生素C含量(100.65毫克/ 100克)。但由于植株数量大/单位面积大,间距为30 cm x 20 cm时,叶片产量显着提高(26.25吨/公顷)。在营养水平中,50%推荐的肥料用量+3吨ver粉/公顷记录到明显更高的植物传播(43.17 cm),叶面积(268.36 cm 2 ),叶/植物数量(12.65),平均叶片重量(24.14 g),采摘时间(45天),叶片重量(188.93 g /株)和叶片产量(26.25吨/公顷)。 30厘米x 20厘米的植物间距以及50%的推荐肥料剂量+3吨ver /公顷获得了最高的净收益为2 12 801卢比,效益:成本比为4.28。



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