首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Response of foliar application of iron and green manuring in dry direct-seeded andtransplanted rice (Oryza sativa)

Response of foliar application of iron and green manuring in dry direct-seeded andtransplanted rice (Oryza sativa)


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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) production in northwest part of Indo-Gangetic Plains (NW-IGP) is critical for food security of India because this region contributes more than 40% of the rice procured by government of India for its buffer stock and distributionto public. Rice in this region is grown following the traditional system of puddled transplanted rice (PTR) and requires huge labour and large amount of water. Water and labour, however, are becoming increasingly scarce in the region raising the questions of environmental sustainability and sustainability of rice production systems. In NW-IGP, increasing use of groundwater for rice cultivation has led to declines in water table by 0.1 to 1.0 m/yr, resulting in water scarcity and increased cost for pumping water (Rodell etal. 2009). Implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, introduced by the Indian government in 2005 (GOI2011), promising 100 days of paid work in people's home village, has been creating a labour scarcity in Punjab and Haryana which are the cereal bowl of north-west India. This suggests that alternatives to puddled transplanted rice are required to save water and increase crop and labour productivity. Dry seeding of rice with subsequent aerobic soil conditions eliminates the need of puddling and maintaining submerged soil conditions, thus reducing the overall water demand and providing opportunities for water and labour savings. Since the concept of dry direct seeding (DSR) under high input environment is new, relatively few insights exist for fertilizer N use for higher productivity in DSR. Alternate moist-dry soil conditions in DSR may stimulate nitrification-denitrification processes, resulting in a loss of nitrogen through N_2 and N_20.
机译:印度恒河平原西北部的大米(Oryza sativa L.)的生产对于印度的粮食安全至关重要,因为该地区贡献了印度政府为缓冲存量和分配而采购的大米的40%以上。上市。该地区的稻米是按照传统的混栽稻米(PTR)系统种植的,需要大量劳动力和大量水。然而,该区域的水和劳动力越来越稀缺,这引发了环境可持续性和稻米生产系统可持续性的问题。在西北偏西地区,稻米种植中使用地下水的增加导致地下水位下降了0.1至1.0 m / yr,导致缺水并增加了抽水成本(Rodell等,2009)。印度政府于2005年(GOI2011)实施了圣雄甘地全国农村就业保障法,该法承诺在人民家乡进行100天的有偿工作,这在北部的谷物谷旁遮普邦和哈里亚纳邦造成了劳动力短缺-印度西部。这表明需要替代水洗的大米以节约用水并提高作物和劳动生产率。水稻的干燥播种和随后的好氧土壤条件消除了对水淹和保持淹没土壤条件的需要,从而减少了总需水量,并为节水和节省劳动力提供了机会。由于在高投入环境下进行干法直接播种(DSR)的概念是新的,因此关于肥料氮在DSR中提高生产力的见解相对较少。 DSR中潮湿的土壤条件交替变化可能会刺激硝化-反硝化过程,从而通过N_2和N_20导致氮素流失。



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