
Posh spice


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Clethra is a small but diverse genus with several species of real ornamental value that deserve to be more widely grown, argues ROY LANCASTER. When I exchanged the shallow chalk soil of my Winchester garden for the sand and clay of my present plot,20 years ago, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was not that I dislike alkaline soils for, after all, they do support a huge variety of ornamental garden plants. No, it was more the exciting possibilities that a lime-free soil presented, for beyond the more obvious rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and pieris lies a host of lesser-known plants seemingly designed to stretch the imagination of any gardener. Among these, clethras rise head and shoulders above most other contenders. Clethra is the sole genusof the Clethraceae family and comprises, according to a recent account, around 60 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and small trees bearing panicles or racemes of small, white, often fragrant (commonly described as 'spicy') flowers in late summer. Almost all Clethra are distributed in East Asia and the Americas, and the only exception is possibly the most spectacular species, C. arborea, from Madeira.
机译:罗伊·兰卡斯特(ROY LANCASTER)认为,克莱斯特拉(Clethra)是一个小而多样的属,具有几种具有真正观赏价值的物种,值得进一步推广。 20年前,当我用温彻斯特花园的浅白垩土换成我现在的土地上的沙子和粘土时,我松了一口气。我并不是不喜欢碱性土壤,毕竟它们确实支持着各种各样的观赏性园林植物。不,无石灰的土壤带来了更多令人兴奋的可能性,除了更明显的杜鹃花,杜鹃花,山茶花和皮埃利斯以外,还有许多鲜为人知的植物,这些植物似乎旨在扩大任何园丁的想象力。其中,小枝头比其他大多数竞争者高出头和肩膀。克雷莎属是克雷莎科的唯一属,根据最近的记载,它由大约60种落叶和常绿灌木和小乔木组成,后者具圆锥花序或总状花序,小而白色,通常具芳香(通常被称为“辣”)花夏季。几乎所有的克莱斯拉(Clethra)都分布在东亚和美洲,唯一的例外可能是来自马德拉(Madeira)的最壮观的物种C. arborea。



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