
A return to Victorian values


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From productive plot to paddling pool and back again, the rise, fall and revival of a Lincolnshire kitchen garden is charted by SIMON GARBUTT. The old, brick-walled kitchen garden at Normanby Hall, near Scunthorpe, north Lincolnshire, has a chequered history. Built in 1817, for 3,150 pound, it stands, as was the fashion of those times, tucked away behind a belt of trees 400m (1/4mile) from the house. There have been at least three halls on the site; the present one was built about 1828. Though fairly small, at just 0.4 hectare (1 acre), the intensively-cultivated garden provided year-round fruit and vegetables for the Sheffield family and their army of servants. It flourished throughout the 19th century. Victorian gardeners were highly skilled inforcing and retarding the produce, and planting for successive crops: peas were expected to be available from May to November, cabbages between April and December. Even pineapples were raised at the garden. When the family was not in residence, hampers of fresh goods were sent by rail once or twice a week to their homes in London or Scotland.
机译:从生产用地到戏水池再到后,SIMON GARBUTT绘制了林肯郡厨房花园的上升,下降和复兴。位于林肯郡北部斯肯索普附近的诺曼比音乐厅的旧砖墙厨房花园有着悠久的历史。它建于1817年,重3,150磅,与当时的时尚一样,被藏在距离房屋400m(1/4英里)的树木带后面。现场至少有三个礼堂;目前的花园建于1828年。虽然面积很小,但面积仅为0.4公顷(1英亩),经过精心耕种的花园为谢菲尔德一家及其仆人部队提供了全年的水果和蔬菜。它在整个19世纪蓬勃发展。维多利亚州的园丁们擅长于增强和减缓作物生长,并种植连作作物:预计豌豆将在5月至11月间供应,白菜将在4月至12月间供应。甚至在花园里养了菠萝。一家人不在时,每周要通过铁路一次或两次将新鲜的食物篮运到伦敦或苏格兰的家中。



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