首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Water balance and water productivity of summer rice as influenced by land situation in tube well commands

Water balance and water productivity of summer rice as influenced by land situation in tube well commands


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An on-farm investigation was carried out during 1999 and 2000 on water supply, expense components, water productivity and water cost for growing summer 'IET 4786' rice (January 3rd week to middle of April) under high, medium and low land situation andsoil type in the tube well commands of Lower Gangetic Plains. Irrigation water requirement for of summer rice was 1 928, 1 461 and 773 mm under high, medium and lowland situation respectively when potential crop evapotranspiration was 344 mm for 90 daysduration crop. Water expense for summer rice was 89-152% higher in high land situation than lowland. Percolation and seepage loss was accounted to be 62.1-69.9% of total water supply under different land situations. Lowland crop received 19.7% of totalwater requirement as seepage gain from adjoining fields. Expenditure towards evapotranspiration was 55.5, 27.6 and 19.3% of total water requirement under low, medium and high land situation respectively. The productivity of summer rice in lowland (5.92 tonnes/ha) was 7.8-19.7% more than the medium and upland situations. Water productivity value (0.73 kg/m~3) in physical term was 50-66% higher under lowland situation than the medium and high lands. Economics (Rs 4.41/m~3 water) was also high in lowland situation. Summer rice growing with the help of private owned shallow tube well irrigation in medium and high lands increased the water cost for cultivation (Rs 6 750-7 500/ha) and produce (Rs 1 510/tonne/ha) by 70-120% compared with the water cost of Government owned deep tube well.
机译:在1999年至2000年期间,对高,中,低土地状况和土壤条件下种植的夏季“ IET 4786”水稻(1月3日至4月中旬)的供水,费用构成,水生产率和水成本进行了农场调查。输入下恒河平原的管井命令。在高,中,低地情况下,持续90天的作物潜在蒸散量为344 mm时,夏季水稻的灌溉水需求分别为1 928、1461和773 mm。在高地情况下,夏稻的水费要比低地高89-152%。在不同土地条件下,渗漏和渗漏损失占总供水量的62.1-69.9%。低地作物由于相邻农田的渗水增加而获得总需水量的19.7%。在低地,中地和高地情况下,蒸散支出分别占总需水量的55.5、27.6%和19.3%。低地夏季稻的产量(5.92吨/公顷)比中部和高地情况高7.8-19.7%。在低地情况下,物理上的水分生产率值(0.73 kg / m〜3)比中高地高出50-66%。在低地情况下,经济效益(Rs 4.41 / m〜3水)也很高。夏季稻米在中高地的私有浅管井灌溉的帮助下种植,使种植用水(6 750-7 500卢比/公顷)和生产用水(1 510卢比/吨/公顷)的水费增加了70-120%与政府拥有的深管井的水费相比。



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