首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Veterinary Research >Epidemiological pattern of various skin disorders in dogs

Epidemiological pattern of various skin disorders in dogs


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Of 2522 dogs examined during July 1999 to June 2003, 1/3rd cases were of ticks' infestation and 1/4th cases were of sarcoptic mange in Haryana. Dermatoses cases were minimal in January. In the subsequent months, cases increased linearly as the ambienttemperature increased. In Hisar, as summer peaks in June to September months, dermatoses cases were maximal during these months. Mites and ticks infestation cases were positively correlated with ambient temperature and lice infestation was negatively correlated with ambient temperature. The dogs in age group of 1-3 years suffered the most. The disease was occasionally seen in pups below 3 month and dogs above 6 years of age, indicating that sarcoptic-, demodectic- and tick-infestation was more common in active tiogs. However, lice infestations were observed in dogs of all age groups. Male dogs suffered more from all types of skin disorders. Spitz dogs were most susceptible to all skin diseases including mites, ticks and lice infestation. The native dogs ranked second and German Shepherd ranked third in the susceptibility to ecto-parasites. Allergy, flea allergy dermatitis, dermatophytosis, eczema and pyoderma were observed occasionally. It may be inferred that it may be the length and density of hair, which provides good habitat to the ecto-parasites.
机译:在1999年7月至2003年6月检查的2522只狗中,哈里亚纳邦有1/3例是tick感染,1/4例是蝇。一月份的皮疹病例很少。在随后的几个月中,病例数随着环境温度的升高呈线性增加。在希萨尔(Hisar),由于六月至九月的夏季高峰,在这几个月中皮肤病病例最多。螨虫和tick虫感染病例与环境温度呈正相关,虱子感染与环境温度呈负相关。 1-3岁年龄组的狗受害最大。偶尔在3个月以下的幼犬和6岁以上的狗中发现这种疾病,这表明活跃的中坚者更容易患癖,demo螨和tick虫。然而,在所有年龄组的狗中都观察到虱子侵扰。公犬遭受各种类型的皮肤疾病的折磨得更多。斯皮茨犬最容易受到所有皮肤疾病的侵害,包括螨虫,壁虱和虱子侵扰。在对体外寄生虫的敏感性中,本地狗排名第二,德国牧羊犬排名第三。偶尔观察到过敏,跳蚤过敏性皮炎,皮肤癣菌,湿疹和脓皮病。可以推断,这可能是头发的长度和密度,它为寄生虫提供了良好的栖息地。



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