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Beauveria bassiana transmission in western corn rootworm (Coleoptera :Chrysomelidae)


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A key stage in the development of an insect epizootic, either natural or induced, is the transmission of a pathogen from an infected to an uninfected host (Andreadis 1987). The establishment of secondary infections can augment long-term control by increasing the amount of inoculum present within the environment (Thomas et al. 1995). The ease of disease transmission from an infected to a healthy host is an important consideration in evaluating the potential of an entomopathogen as a microbial control agent. Currently, we are field-testing the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Moniliaceae), for the suppression of adult western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, which is a key pest of corn, Zea mays L. (Gramineae), throughout the north-central United States and eastern Canada (Mulock and Chandler 2000). During our investigations we have often observed sporulating cadavers on corn plants, particularly within the leaf collars, following fungal application. In this study, we estimated the effect of the density of infected cadavers and the length of exposure time on disease transmission in adult western corn rootworm. Field studies were conducted at the Eastern South Dakota Soil and Water Research Farm (44 deg 19 min W, 96 deg 46 min W), Brookings, South Dakota, in July 1999. The B. bassiana isolate (BbPC-1) used in this study was originally obtained from corn rootworm adults collected from corn in Illinois. Mortality due to B. bassiana was determined within cohorts of beetles released into screened, walk-in field cages (3 X 3 X 3 m, 20 mm2 mesh) containing corn plants artificially infested with five densities of sporulating cadavers. Infected cadavers were obtained by suspending for 30 s adult western corn rootworm in a wetting agent (0.04 percent polyalkyleneoxide heptamethyltrisiloxane) containing 5 X 107 conidia/mL. Beetles were maintained in cages (8 cm high X 8.5 cm diameter, 10 beetles/cage, 26 +- 2 deg C; 50-60 percent relative humidity (RH); 16L:8D) with an artificial diet and water agar for up to 16 d. Upon death, beetles were incubated in a moist chamber (80-90 percent RH; 26 +- 2 deg C) for 7 d to promote sporulation and confirm infection.
机译:天然或诱导的昆虫流行病发展的关键阶段是病原体从感染宿主传播到未感染宿主(Andreadis 1987)。通过增加环境中存在的接种量,继发感染的建立可以加强长期控制(Thomas等,1995)。从感染者向健康宿主传播疾病的难易程度是评估昆虫病原体作为微生物控制剂的潜力时的重要考虑因素。目前,我们正在对致病性真菌白僵菌(Balveria bassiana(Balsamo)Vuillemin(Moniliaceae))进行现场测试,以抑制成年的西部玉米根虫Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte,这是玉米的主要害虫,Zea mays L.(Gramineae),遍及美国中北部和加拿大东部(Mulock和Chandler,2000年)。在我们的研究中,我们经常观察到真菌施用后,在玉米植物上,尤其是在叶领内形成孢子。在这项研究中,我们估计了感染的尸体的密度和暴露时间的长度对成年西部玉米根虫疾病传播的影响。 1999年7月,在南达科他州南部的布鲁金斯市的南达科他州东部土壤和水研究农场(西纬44度19分钟,西温96度46分钟)进行了田野研究。在此使用的球孢杆菌分离株(BbPC-1)这项研究最初是从伊利诺伊州的玉米采集的玉米根虫成虫中获得的。确定由释放到筛选的步入式田间笼子(3 X 3 X 3 m,20 mm2目)中的甲虫群中的巴斯德芽孢杆菌造成的死亡率,该笼子人工种植了五种密度的成虫尸体。将成年的西部玉米根虫在含有5 X 107分生孢子/ mL的湿润剂(0.04%聚环氧烷七甲基三硅氧烷)中悬浮30 s,即可获得被感染的尸体。将甲虫养在人工饮食和水琼脂中的笼子中(高8厘米X直径8.5厘米,甲虫10只,笼子,26±2摄氏度;相对湿度(RH)50-60%; 16L:8D) 16天死亡后,将甲虫在潮湿的室内(80-90%RH; 26±2摄氏度)温育7天,以促进孢子形成并确认感染。



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