首页> 外文期刊>The Canadian Entomologist >Biology of Pissodes yunnanensis (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), a pest of Yunnan pine in southwestern China

Biology of Pissodes yunnanensis (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), a pest of Yunnan pine in southwestern China


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Pissodes yunnanensis Langor et Zhang, a pest of Yunnan pine, Pinus yunnanensis Franchet, in southwestern China, occurs at elevations of 2200-2800 m. These weevils infest Yunnan pine trees less than 20 years old but prefer trees 810 years old. Oviposition occurs mainly along the upper trunk on current-year and 1-year-old growth and occasionally on the upper lateral branches. Weevil feeding often kills the leader, which results in stem forking and crooking. At times, after 23 years of consecutive severe infestation, tree mortality occurs. In southwestern Yunnan Province, adults of this univoltine weevil emerge from infested stems from mid-April to mid-July. Eggs appear in late June, first-instar larvae in early July, and fourth-instar larvae in late March of the next year. First- and second-instar larvae feed in the phloem, and third-instar larvae move to the sapwood or pith, where they overwinter. In March, larvae resume feeding and development. Fourth-instar larvae excavate pupal chambers (chip cocoons) in the outer sapwood or pith, and pupation occurs from late March to late May. Optimal development of eggs and pupae occurs at 25 degreesC in the laboratory. Parasitism is the main cause of mortality in P. yunnanensis, accounting for 2%-25% of mortality among third- and fourth-instar larvae and 5%-10% among pupae.
机译:云南松的一种云南小虫云南松(Langor et Zhang)发生在海拔2200-2800 m处,云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franchet)。这些象鼻虫感染不到20年的云南松树,但更喜欢810年的树。产卵主要发生在当年和一岁的生长的上主干上,偶尔发生在上侧支上。象鼻虫进食常常杀死前导者,导致茎分叉和弯曲。有时,在连续23年受到严重侵害后,树木会死亡。在云南省西南部,从4月中旬到7月中旬,这种单足象鼻虫的成虫从出没的茎中出来。卵在6月下旬出现,第一龄幼虫在7月初出现,第四龄幼虫在次年3月下旬出现。第一龄和第二龄幼虫进入韧皮部,第三龄幼虫移到边材或髓中越冬。 3月,幼虫恢复饲养和发育。四龄幼虫在边材或髓中挖出up室(片状茧),化脓发生在3月下旬至5月下旬。鸡蛋和p的最佳发育在实验室中于25摄氏度进行。寄生虫是云南假单胞菌死亡的主要原因,在三龄和四龄幼虫中占死亡率的2%-25%,在p中占5%-10%。



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