首页> 外文期刊>The European physical journal, D. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Dependence on crystal parameters of the correlation time between signal and idler beams in parametric down conversion calculated in the Wigner representation

Dependence on crystal parameters of the correlation time between signal and idler beams in parametric down conversion calculated in the Wigner representation


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The theory of parametric down conversion within the framework of the Wigner representation has been treated recently in a series of papers using the standard model Hamiltonian. Here we take a more fundamental point of view studying the mechanism, inside the crystal, for the production of the signal and idler beams. We begin from the evolution equations for the quantum field operators, pass to the Wigner function and solve the resulting (Maxwell) equations with the use of the Green's function method. We derive the time dependence of the coincidence detection probability as a function of the parameters of the nonlinear crystal (in particular the length) the radius of the pumping beam, and the bandwidth of the filters in front of the detectors.



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