首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of health economics: HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care >Economic evaluation of a combined DTPa, hepatitis B, polio, Hib vaccine: Potential impact of the introduction of Infanrix-Hexa in the French childhood immunisation schedule

Economic evaluation of a combined DTPa, hepatitis B, polio, Hib vaccine: Potential impact of the introduction of Infanrix-Hexa in the French childhood immunisation schedule


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A new hexavalent combination vaccine, Infanrix-HEXA, including a recombinant hepatitis B vaccine in addition to the vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, and Haemophilus influenzae type B, has recently become available in France. The objectives of this study were to: (1) estimate the break-even price of Infanrix-Hexa for the National Sickness Fund; (2) evaluate its potential impact on vaccine coverage for hepatitis B and the corresponding budget impact. The public price of Infanrix-HEXA associated with a break-even point would be 53.77. Our analyses suggested that other estimates based on a societal perspective including opportunity and indirect costs remained close to this value. The annual additional reimbursed cost of protecting an infant against the risk of hepatitis B would be 28.20 per child, or about 21 million for an annual cohort of 760,000 births (total cost, 35 million). The number of infants protected against hepatitis B could increase from 230,000 in the current situation to about 600,000.
机译:一种新的六价联合疫苗Infanrix-HEXA,除白喉,破伤风,百日咳,脊髓灰质炎和B型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗外,还包括重组乙型肝炎疫苗。这项研究的目的是:(1)估算国家疾病基金的Infanrix-Hexa损益平衡价格; (2)评估其对乙型肝炎疫苗覆盖率的潜在影响以及相应的预算影响。与盈亏平衡点相关的Infanrix-HEXA的公开价格为53.77。我们的分析表明,基于社会观点的其他估计(包括机会和间接成本)仍接近该值。保护婴儿免受乙型肝炎风险的额外年度报销费用为每名儿童28.20,即每年760,000例新生儿的总费用约为2,100万(总费用为3500万)。预防乙型肝炎的婴儿人数可能会从目前的23万增加到大约60万。



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