首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of health economics: HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care >Cost of care of colorectal cancers according to health care patterns and stage at diagnosis in France.

Cost of care of colorectal cancers according to health care patterns and stage at diagnosis in France.


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Little is known about the economic burden associated with colorectal cancer in France. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of age, stage at diagnosis, health care pattern and level of comorbidities on the mean cost of the management of colorectal cancers, using data from a population-based registry and the French health care system. We estimated the direct costs of medical care for 384 colorectal cancers diagnosed in 2004, using the three main databases of the National Health Insurance. The cost of management was defined as the sum of all health expenditures over the 12 months following the date of diagnosis. The mean cost for first-year management was 24,966 euro (SE 1,195 euro). There was no significant difference in overall costs in relation to sex, age, Charlson index score, cancer location or health care pattern. Costs increased significantly with cancer extension from 17,596 euro for stage I to 35,059 euro for stage IV. Hospitalisation charges represented the greatest economic burden (55.2%), followed by medical purchases (24.4%), outpatient care (17.8%) and transportation (2.5%). These results confirm the major economic burden of colorectal cancer and indicate that total costs depend mainly on the stage at diagnosis. By improving stage at diagnosis, mass screening could contribute to decreasing the cost of managing colorectal cancers.
机译:在法国与大肠癌相关的经济负担知之甚少。这项研究的目的是使用基于人群的注册数据和法国医疗体系的数据,评估年龄,诊断阶段,医疗模式和合并症水平对结直肠癌管理平均成本的影响。我们使用国家健康保险的三个主要数据库,估计了2004年诊断出的384例大肠癌的直接医疗费用。管理成本定义为诊断之日起12个月内所有卫生支出的总和。第一年管理的平均成本为24,966欧元(SE 1,195欧元)。在性别,年龄,Charlson指数评分,癌症位置或卫生保健模式方面,总成本没有显着差异。随着癌症的扩展,费用从第一阶段的17,596欧元增加到第四阶段的35,059欧元,显着增加。住院费用是最大的经济负担(55.2%),其次是医疗购买(24.4%),门诊护理(17.8%)和交通运输(2.5%)。这些结果证实了结直肠癌的主要经济负担,并表明总费用主要取决于诊断阶段。通过提高诊断的阶段性,大规模筛查可以有助于降低结直肠癌的治疗成本。



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