首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >Eutheia schaumii Kiesenwetter (Staphylinidae) from Ireland

Eutheia schaumii Kiesenwetter (Staphylinidae) from Ireland

机译:来自爱尔兰的Eutheia schaumii Kiesenwetter(Staphylinidae)

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Johnson & Halbert (1902) listed Eutheia plicata Gyllenhal as occurring in Ireland on the basis of a record from Hollywood, Co. Down, cited from a manuscript list of Irish insects prepared by Alexander Haliday in the nineteenth century. They stated that "Haliday's specimens are in the Dublin Museum" (now the National Museum of Ireland (NMI)). Allen (1969) suggested the possibility that some old records of plicata might actually be E. schaumii Kiesenwetter, and, as plicata remains on the Irish list (Anderson et al., 1997), the NMI material was re-examined. There is a single Irish specimen standing over the name E. plicata in the NMI collection; this is labelled "Hday" and "Given by Trin. Coll. Dublin" (Haliday's collection was donated by Trinity College Dublin to the NMI in 1882 (O'Connor & Nash, 1982), hence the latter label). The specimen was determined as, indeed, E. schaumii, using Franz & Besuchet (1971). In Haliday's MS list of Irish insects (p. 32), the entry for plicata reads as follows: "truncatella Er. = plicata Gyll. ['certainly Irish' icon], ha [=Haliday], Hwd [= Holywood]". No other entries are given under Eutheia, with which this record might have been confused. As there appear to be no further records of E. plicata from Ireland, this species should be replaced by E. schaumii on the Irish list.
机译:强生与哈尔伯特(1902)根据好莱坞公司的记录,列举了Eutheia plicata Gyllenhal在爱尔兰发生的情况,该记录引自19世纪亚历山大·哈利迪(Alexander Haliday)编写的爱尔兰昆虫手稿清单。他们说“节日的标本在都柏林博物馆”(现在是爱尔兰国家博物馆)。艾伦(Allen,1969)提出了一些副本的旧记录实际上可能是沙门氏菌埃森·凯森维特的可能性,并且由于副本仍在爱尔兰名单上(安德森等,1997),因此对NMI材料进行了重新审查。 NMI馆藏中只有一个爱尔兰标本标有E. plicata。分别被标记为“ Hday”和“ Trin。Coll。Dublin给”(Haliday的收藏是由都柏林三一学院捐赠给NMI的(O'Connor&Nash,1982),因此是后者)。使用Franz&Besuchet(1971)将标本确定为E. schaumii。在Haliday的MS爱尔兰昆虫名单(第32页)中,plicata的条目如下:“ truncatella Er。= plicata Gyll。['certainly Irish“图标],ha [= Haliday],Hwd [= Holywood]”。在Eutheia下没有其他条目,可能与该记录相混淆。由于似乎没有来自爱尔兰的复活大肠埃希菌的进一步记录,因此应在爱尔兰名单上用该物种替换为s。schaumii。



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