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Recent records of Nathrius brevipennis (Mulsant) (Cerambycidae) in London

机译:伦敦Nathrius brevipennis(Mulsant)(Cerambycidae)的最新记录

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On 18 July 2010 I found a specimen of this curious little beetle, crawling on my arm, as I read the newspaper at the end of my garden (TQ343743, VC 17 Surrey). It took a few moments before I realized what it was. Actually, it took a few moments before I realized it was a beetle. Its size, speed and agile gait made me first think it was an ant. Then, its lack of geniculate antennae made me think it might be one of the small wingless ichneumons. Luckily I was doing the crossword, so had my reading glasses on, and a final close focus brought the realization that it was Nathrius.
机译:2010年7月18日,我在花园尽头的报纸上看到了一只好奇的小甲虫的标本,它爬在我的手臂上(TQ343743,VC 17 Surrey)。我花了一些时间才意识到这是什么。实际上,我花了一些时间才意识到这是一只甲虫。它的大小,速度和敏捷的步态使我首先想到它是一只蚂蚁。然后,它缺乏膝状触角,使我认为它可能是小型无翅鱼龙之一。幸运的是,我正在做填字游戏,因此我戴上了老花镜,最后的密切关注使人们意识到那是Nathrius。



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