首页> 外文期刊>The British journal of clinical psychology >Development of depressed mood predicts onset of psychotic disorder in individuals who report hallucinatory experiences.

Development of depressed mood predicts onset of psychotic disorder in individuals who report hallucinatory experiences.


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OBJECTIVES: Current psychological theories state that the clinical outcome of hallucinatory experiences is dependent on the degree of associated distress, anxiety, and depression. This study examined the hypothesis that the risk for onset of psychotic disorder in individuals with self-reported hallucinatory experiences would be higher in those who subsequently developed depressed mood than in those who did not. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study of a general population sample. METHODS: A sample of 4,670 individuals with no lifetime evidence of any psychotic disorder were interviewed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Schedule (CIDI) at baseline and 1 and 3 years later. At Year 3, individuals with CIDI evidence of psychotic symptoms were interviewed by clinicians to identify potential onset of psychotic disorder. Psychotic disorder was specified at three levels; two involving severity of positive symptoms of psychosis, and one using additional clinical judgment of need for care. RESULTS: Given the presence of hallucinatory experiences at baseline, the increase in risk of having the psychosis outcome at Year 3 was higher in the group with depressed mood at Year 1 than in the group without depressed mood at Year 1 (any level of psychotic symptoms: risk difference 17.0%, 95% CI - 1.7, 35.7; severe level of psychotic symptoms: risk difference 21.7%, 95% CI 3.2, 40.2; needs-based diagnosis of psychotic disorder: risk difference 16.8%, 95% CI 0.4, 33.3). CONCLUSION: The results are in line with current psychological models of psychosis that emphasize the role of secondary appraisals of psychotic experiences in the onset of clinical disorder.
机译:目的:当前的心理学理论指出,幻觉经历的临床结果取决于相关的困扰,焦虑和抑郁的程度。这项研究检验了一种假设,即自我报告有幻觉经历的人中,后来出现情绪低落的人患精神病的风险要比没有幻觉的人高。设计:对一般人群样本的前瞻性队列研究。方法:在基线,1年和3年后,对4670名没有终生证据的精神病患者进行抽样调查,接受综合国际诊断面试时间表(CIDI)的访谈。在第3年,临床医师对具有CIDI精神病症状证据的个体进行了访谈,以确定潜在的精神病发作。精神病分为三个级别:两项涉及精神病阳性症状的严重性,另一项使用需要护理的其他临床判断。结果:考虑到基线时存在幻觉经历,在1年情绪低落的人群中3年级出现精神病预后的风险增加比在1年情绪低落的人群中更高(任何水平的精神病症状) :风险差异17.0%,95%CI-1.7,35.7;严重的精神病症状:风险差异21.7%,95%CI 3.2,40.2;基于需求的精神病诊断:风险差异16.8%,95%CI 0.4, 33.3)。结论:结果与当前的精神病心理模型相吻合,该模型强调了对精神病经验的二次评估在临床疾病发作中的作用。



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