首页> 外文期刊>Chest: The Journal of Circulation, Respiration and Related Systems >Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome benefit from acetazolamide during an altitude sojourn: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial

Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome benefit from acetazolamide during an altitude sojourn: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial


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Background: Many patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) are unable or unwilling to use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy when traveling to the mountains for work or recreation even though they risk pronounced hypoxemia and exacerbation of sleep apnea. Because the treatment of OSA at altitude has not been established, we tested the hypothesis that acetazolamide improves hypoxemia, sleep, and breathing disturbances in otherwise untreated patients with OSA at altitude. Methods: Forty-five patients with OSA on long-term CPAP, median age 64 years, living at 600 m underwent a placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover trial randomized for the sequence of drug and altitude exposure (490 m, 1,860 m, and 2,590 m). Patients spent two 3-day periods at altitude and a 2-week wash-out period at 600 m. At altitude, patients discontinued CPAP and received acetazolamide 2 x 250 mg daily or placebo. Polysomnography, vigilance, and symptoms were evaluated. Results: At 490 m, off CPAP, median nocturnal oxygen saturation was 93%, and the apnea/hypopnea index was 51.2/h. On placebo at 1,860 m and 2,590 m, the corresponding values were 89% and 85% and 63.6/h and 86.2/h, respectively (P .01 vs 490 m, both instances). On acetazolamide at 1,860 m and 2,590 m, oxygen saturation was higher (91% and 88%) and apnea/hypopnea indices were lower (48.0/h and 61.4/h) than on placebo (P .01 all instances). Acetazolamide reduced nocturnal transcutaneous PCO 2, improved sleep efficiency and subjective insomnia, and prevented excessive BP elevations at altitude. Conclusions: In patients with OSA discontinuing CPAP during an altitude sojourn, acetazolamide improves oxygenation, breathing disturbances, and sleep quality by stimulating ventilation. Therefore, patients with OSA may benefit from acetazolamide at altitude if CPAP therapy is not feasible. Trial registry: ClinicalTrials.gov; No.: NCT00714740; URL: www.clinicaltrials.gov.
机译:背景:许多阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症(OSA)患者在上山去工作或娱乐时无法或不愿使用持续气道正压通气疗法(CPAP),即使他们面临明显的低氧血症和睡眠呼吸暂停加重的风险。由于尚未建立高海拔OSA的治疗方法,因此我们检验了以下假设:乙酰唑胺可改善高海拔OSA患者的低氧血症,睡眠和呼吸障碍。方法:对45名接受长期CPAP,中位年龄64岁,年龄<600 m的OSA患者进行了一项安慰剂对照,双盲,交叉试验,该试验随机分为药物和海拔高度(490 m,1,860) m和2,590 m)。患者在高原上度过了两个3天的时间,在<600 m处度过了2周的冲洗时间。在高处,患者停用CPAP并接受每天2 x 250 mg的乙酰唑胺或安慰剂。评估多导睡眠图,警惕性和症状。结果:在490 m处离CPAP时,夜间夜间氧饱和度中位数为93%,呼吸暂停/呼吸不足指数为51.2 / h。在1,860 m和2,590 m的安慰剂上,相应的值分别为89%和85%和63.6 / h和86.2 / h(两种情况下,P <.01 vs 490 m)。与安慰剂相比,乙酰唑胺分别在1,860 m和2,590 m处的氧饱和度更高(分别为91%和88%)和呼吸暂停/呼吸不足指数(分别为48.0 / h和61.4 / h)(P <0.01)。乙酰唑胺可减少夜间经皮PCO 2,改善睡眠效率和主观失眠,并防止在海拔高度血压过度升高。结论:在高空逗留期间OSA中断CPAP的患者中,乙酰唑胺可通过刺激通气来改善氧合作用,呼吸障碍和睡眠质量。因此,如果CPAP治疗不可行,则OSA患者可在高原上受益于乙酰唑胺。试验注册表:ClinicalTrials.gov;编号:NCT00714740;网址:www.clinicaltrials.gov。



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