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Providing Telehealth Services to a Public Primary Care Network: The Experience of RedeNUTES in Pernambuco, Brazil


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Background: Information technologies have been applied in primary care domains to improve the delivery of health services. This article reports the telehealth network experience in Pernambuco, Brazil. Materials and Methods: Five different data sets were used, one by each service and the structural aspects of the network, collected from 2008 until August 2015. The data include solicited themes for educational activities, users' evaluation of services, numbers of sites, municipalities participating, participants in tele-education activities, teleconsultations, telediagnosis, and remote screenings. The analysis was done in absolute and percentage values using Microsoft Excel (version 2007). Results: The indicators show high utilization of tele-education resources, followed by the teleconsultation service. The synchronous modality was the most used and the general clinical question was the most frequent type of question. Nurses are the professional category that most used the teleconsultation services (36%). Telediagnosis of electrocardiography has growth utilization, overcoming teleconsulting more recently. The satisfaction rate was 89%, and 68.5% of professionals changed their planning to patients' referrals to specialists. Conclusions: Telehealth has been considered effective since it avoids inappropriate referrals of the patient and provides continuous actualization to health professionals. Our results provide evidence of the feasibility and importance of using telehealth as a tool to ensure the universality, equality, and completeness in the health system.
机译:背景:信息技术已应用于初级保健领域,以改善卫生服务的提供。本文报告了巴西伯南布哥州的远程医疗网络经验。资料和方法:使用了五种不同的数据集,分别从2008年到2015年8月收集了每种服务和网络的结构方面的数据。这些数据包括征集的教育活动主题,用户对服务的评价,站点数量,市政当局参加远程教育活动,远程咨询,远程诊断和远程筛查的参与者。使用Microsoft Excel(2007版)以绝对值和百分比值进行分析。结果:各项指标表明远程教育资源利用率高,其次是远程咨询服务。同步方式是最常用的,一般的临床问题是最常见的问题类型。护士是使用远程咨询服务最多的专业类别(36%)。心电图的远程诊断具有增长的利用,最近克服了远程咨询。满意率为89%,有68.5%的专业人员将计划更改为患者转诊给专家。结论:远程医疗被认为是有效的,因为它避免了患者的不适当转诊,并为医疗专业人员提供了持续的实现。我们的研究结果证明了使用远程医疗作为确保医疗系统的普遍性,平等性和完整性的工具的可行性和重要性。



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