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Failure of Toshiba's medium term plan


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Toshiba replaced its medium term business plan formulated in last year with newly formulated one in March this year. New plan revised targets to be achieved by 2003 in the old plan. Toshiba adopted unique stance in order to overcome possible stagnant business trend in latter 1990s, when T. Nishimuro was inaugarated. Toshiba has grown as heavy electrical machinery producer for long time. When Japanese government accepted demand from the U.S.A. to deregulate electric power industry, demands for heavy electrical machinery including power generation plants, transmission system, etc. has decreased and will decrease dramatically. Then Japanese heavy electric machinery manufacturing companies were forced to confront with serious difficulties due to shortage in demands. At the same time, transplant of coinsumer electronic products assemby factories by Japanese consumer electronics manufacturers had generated stiff competition for cheaper products among consumer good manufacturers in Asian countries.
机译:东芝在今年3月用新制定的中期业务计划代替了去年制定的中期业务计划。新计划修订了在旧计划中要在2003年前实现的目标。东芝采取独特的立场,以克服1990年代后期T. Nishimuro成立时的停滞业务趋势。东芝已长期成长为重型电机制造商。当日本政府接受美国要求放松电力行业管制的要求时,对包括发电厂,输电系统等在内的重型电机的需求已经下降,并将急剧下降。随后,由于需求短缺,日本重型电机制造公司被迫面对严重困难。同时,日本消费类电子产品制造商移植硬币类电子产品组装厂,在亚洲国家的消费类产品制造商之间引发了对廉价产品的激烈竞争。



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