首页> 外文期刊>The American Naturalist: Devoted to the Conceptual Unification of the Biological Sciences >Previous experience and contest outcome: winner effects persist in absence of evident loser effects in a parasitoid wasp.

Previous experience and contest outcome: winner effects persist in absence of evident loser effects in a parasitoid wasp.


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The experience of a previous conflict can affect animals' performance during a later contest: a victory usually increases and a defeat usually decreases the probability of winning a subsequent conflict. These winner and loser effects could result from a reassessment by contestants of their perceived fighting abilities. Game-theoretic models based on this assumption predict that a loser effect can exist alone or in the presence of a winner effect, but a winner effect cannot persist alone, at least when contestants are young and without experience of contest. Moreover, when both effects coexist, the loser effect is expected to be of a greater magnitude and last longer than the winner effect. To date, these predictions have been supported by empirical evidence. Here we show for the first time that a winner effect can exist in the absence of any evident loser effect in a parasitoid wasp, Eupelmus vuilleti, when fighting for hosts. This finding consequently raises questions about the possible mechanisms involved and challenges the main assumption of previous theoretical models. We suggest an alternative explanation for the evolution of only winner effects that is based on the modification of contestants' subjective value of the resource rather than on a reestimation of their fighting abilities.
机译:先前冲突的经历会影响动物在稍后比赛中的表现:胜利通常会增加,而失败通常会降低赢得后续冲突的可能性。这些获胜者和失败者的影响可能是参赛者重新评估其感知战斗力的结果。基于此假设的博弈论模型预测,失败者效应可以单独存在,也可以存在胜利者效应,但至少当竞争者年轻且没有竞争经验时,胜利者效应就不能单独存在。此外,当两种效应同时存在时,预期失败者效应会比赢者效应更大,持续时间更长。迄今为止,这些预测得到了经验证据的支持。在这里,我们首次显示,在为宿主争斗时,在寄生类黄蜂Eupelmus vuilleti中没有任何明显的失败者影响的情况下,可以存在赢家效应。因此,这一发现提出了有关可能机制的问题,并挑战了先前理论模型的主要假设。我们建议仅根据获胜者效果的演变做出另一种解释,该解释基于对参赛者资源主观价值的修改,而不是对他们战斗力的重新评估。



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