首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >The enchanting forest and the healing sand-Nature therapy with people coping with psychiatric difficulties

The enchanting forest and the healing sand-Nature therapy with people coping with psychiatric difficulties


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This article will introduce ways in which the connection with nature, and non-verbal and creative work in nature, can empower adults coping with emotional and psychiatric difficulties. Relating to two sessions from a short-term Nature Therapy intervention group program in Israel, it will present Nature Therapy's key elements and highlight possible connections with Drama and Art Therapy. The article will focus on creative and non-verbal processes and highlight their potential to support therapeutic processes originating in the right hemisphere - imagination, emotions and body. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:本文将介绍与大自然的联系以及大自然中非言语和创造性工作的联系方式,这些方法可以使成年人有能力应对情绪和精神疾病。与以色列短期自然疗法干预小组计划的两次会议有关,它将介绍自然疗法的关键要素,并强调与戏剧和艺术疗法的可能联系。本文将重点介绍创造性和非言语过程,并强调它们支持起源于右半球的治疗过程的潜力-想象力,情感和身体。 (C)2012由Elsevier Inc.出版



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