首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Listening to music as part of treatment for breast cancer: A qualitative content analysis of patients' listening logs

Listening to music as part of treatment for breast cancer: A qualitative content analysis of patients' listening logs


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A qualitative content analysis was undertaken of music listening logs and songs selected by women participating in a project that provided music therapy for people receiving treatment for breast cancer. Research questions were: (a) What themes emerged from patients as they listened to music that was associated with music therapy sessions that were held during their treatment for breast cancer? (b) What unforeseen information was presented in the listening logs? The following themes were found through the analysis: Relaxation, Memories, Emotions, Spirituality, Beauty, Strength, Energy/Fatigue, Pain Relief, Family, and Physical Problems/Illness. These are discussed with examples from the logs. Implications for understanding patients' experience of cancer and suggestions for using music therapy are included. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:对参与该项目的妇女选择的音乐收听记录和歌曲进行了定性内容分析,该项目为接受乳腺癌治疗的人们提供音乐治疗。研究问题是:(a)患者在聆听与乳腺癌治疗期间举行的音乐疗法有关的音乐时,出现了哪些主题? (b)侦听日志中提供了哪些不可预见的信息?通过分析发现了以下主题:放松,记忆,情绪,灵性,美丽,力量,精力/疲劳,缓解疼痛,家庭和身体问题/疾病。通过日志中的示例讨论了这些内容。其中包括理解患者癌症经历的含义以及使用音乐疗法的建议。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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