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Social action art therapy as an intervention for compassion fatigue


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This study evaluated the effectiveness of a social action art therapy session to address symptoms of stress and compassion fatigue in counsellors working in domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) services. Participants were adult women (N=30) who work with client survivors of DV and SA. Participants participated in three groups based on their workplace, and were asked to create art for a group peace pole. The peace pole has currency within the DV support community as a symbol of hope and safety. After creating individual artworks, each member glued their canvas squares onto the peace pole to create a unified group piece of art. The Compassion Fatigue Self-Test was used as a measure of compassion fatigue, and the Psychological Stress Measure 9 provided information regarding pre and post measures of symptomology changes. The results supported the hypothesis that participation in a social action art therapy based session could significantly reduce stress. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究评估了社交行为艺术疗法会议在家庭暴力(DV)和性侵犯(SA)服务工作的辅导员中解决压力和同情疲劳症状的有效性。参加者是成年女性(N = 30),他们与DV和SA的幸存者一起工作。参加者根据他们的工作场所参加了三个小组,并被要求为小组和平杖创作艺术。和平极地在DV支持社区中拥有货币,作为希望与安全的象征。创作完个人艺术品后,每个成员将自己的画布正方形粘贴到和平柱上,以创建统一的集体艺术品。使用同情疲劳自我测试作为同情疲劳的量度,“心理压力量度” 9提供了有关症状变化前后的量度信息。结果支持以下假设:参加基于社交行为艺术疗法的会议可以显着减轻压力。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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